PORTRAIT entrepreneur : Siaka Sanon, CEO of Agroserv Industrie


Agroserv Industrie, the latest investment realized by the I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2 (IPAE 2) funds, is a company specializing in maize transformation and commercialization in Burkina Faso. This is a good opportunity to look back on the journey of Siaka Sanon, at the head of the family business, and to mention its projects.



Sector of activity: Energy
Status: Investissement en capital
Associed fund: IPAE 2
Country: Madagascar
A propos:


Created in 2012, HERi Madagascar is a company that specializes in the distribution and financing of solar energy solutions in rural areas of Madagascar.


HERi is a socially committed company that acts on the sustainable economic and social development of rural populations in Madagascar by distributing innovative products and services through a network of energy kiosks managed by women entrepreneurs.

HERi's activity consist of:

  • A network of kiosks and distribution points managed by franchised women entrepreneurs who develop the activity of renting solar lamps to populations without electricity in rural areas;
  • A network of Microfinance Institutions that offer a credit purchase of HERi products to their clients;
  • A PAY-As-You-Go (PAYGo) financing model for people living in peri-urban and rural areas.

HERi is the exclusive representative in Madagascar of two suppliers of solar-powered lighting systems for domestic use: Fosera and d.light. The company currently owns about 100 kiosks and rents an average of 26,000 solar lamps per day.


The entrepreneurs

Samy CHALIER holds an MBA from IE Business School and has 12 years of experience in international management. He has been supervising the restructuring and growth of HERi since 2016.

Ando RANDRIAMALALAHARISON holds a master's degree in finance and is an alumnus of AFD's Lead Campus program. She was an auditor in an accounting firm for 3 years before joining HERi in 2015 where she was first an internal auditor and then Administrative and Financial Director. Since 2017, Ando has been HERi's Deputy Managing Director.


Partnership with I&P

Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) has committed to HERi in order to:

  • Develop a model for purchasing solar lighting systems on credit and at an affordable price for households through Pay-as-you-go;
  • Enable energy inclusion for many families through a door-to-door approach;
  • Fight climate change by providing clean, quality energy to the user;
  • Create jobs in the most remote areas of Madagascar through its network of agents and franchisees.


Expected impacts

The company's mission is to bring a better quality of life to the population of rural Madagascar by providing an affordable way to access clean energy essential to their daily activities.

HERi's expansion into the less developed island's regions will create jobs, which is a pillar of development and a source of income for households.

It will allow households to switch to quality, clean and safe energy and away from traditional light sources such as candles and oil lamps commonly used by the rural population.

Learn more about HERi

In portfolio since: 2022

Delta SA

Sector of activity: Construction
Status: Investissement en capital
Associed fund: IPAE 2
Entrepreneur: Léna Tall
Country: Senegal
A propos:

Founded in 2002, DELTA S.A. is a family-owned Senegalese company specializing in sanitation and public works. DELTA provides maintenance of sewerage networks in several areas of the city of Dakar and in the regions of Saint-Louis, Ziguinchor, Kaolack and Tambacounda. Its interventions include:

  • The management and maintenance of wastewater and stormwater networks to ensure the cleaning of pipes, their unclogging and proper maintenance and the connection of wastewater to the collective network;
  • The provision of autonomous sanitation services consisting of the collection and transportation of sewage sludge for households and businesses, the cleaning and maintenance of fuel lines (for service stations) and water bodies. This service prevents illegal dumping and its harmful effects on the environment;
  • The rental of mobile toilets, during large human gatherings (demonstrations, concerts, religious and traditional ceremonies, etc.) or on construction sites and military bases.

Since 2013, DELTA has also been diversifying its activities in the construction sector. The company offers services for the extension of sewerage networks (drinking water supply, roads, treatment plants) and the construction, renovation and maintenance of buildings (stadiums, agencies, high schools etc.).



DELTA is headed by Léna Tall, the company's founder and CEO. She has 20 years of experience in sanitation and is the only woman to lead a large company in the sector. Ms. Tall is well known in the sanitation sector. She was President of the Association des Acteurs de l'Assainissement du Sénégal (AAAS) and was named a "Role Model" by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.



I&P has committed itself alongside DELTA to:

 Support the company in consolidating its position as a leader in the sanitation sector
 Support it in its desire to expand its activities in the sub-region
 Strengthen the company's governance and human resources
 Set up a management control and stable and efficient financial procedures allowing a better management of the activity



Support of a Senegalese female entrepreneur
 Strong job creation: more than 30 full-time jobs
 Strong ESG impact: contribution to the preservation of a healthy environment and to the health of populations by treating wastewater and solid waste


Company website: Delta SA

In portfolio since: 2021

Go Africa Online

Sector of activity: Digital, Tech
Status: Investissement en capital
Associed fund: IPAE 2
Entrepreneur: David Encel, Michael Bettach
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:

Created in 2012, Go Africa Online (GAO) aims to support African professionals in their digitalization, their communication and the development of their clientele, thanks to a range of digital tools allowing a better visibility on the internet. GAO offers an online business book, referencing packages offering increased visibility on the internet through their promotion on the GAO website, as well as a range of digital marketing tools. Go Africa Online operates in Togo, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Benin.  



David Encel is the founder and CEO of GAO. He was notably Sales Director and Director of Development for the 2H group (publisher of the paper phone book present in 14 African countries). He also has experience in advertising sales in France.  

Michael Bettach is a digital entrepreneur who has founded and/or co-founded 4 digital companies since 2006. He is an expert in search engine optimization. 



I&P has committed to work with Go Africa Online to: 

Develop and improve existing technological tools and create a new digital platform to strengthen interactions between companies  
Support the company in its geographical expansion 
Strengthen the Finance function, the structuring and the governance of the group 



I&P and Go Africa Online have a common vision on the development of entrepreneurship in Africa. This will include :   

Raising awareness among African companies and professionals on the challenges of digitalization 
Supporting African companies in their digitalization process with the appropriate tools   
Create qualified jobs in the digital sector 

In portfolio since: 2022


Sector of activity: Agro-food
Status: Investissement en capital
Associed fund: IPAE 2
Entrepreneur: Stefano Carcoforo, Nicole Galletta
Country: Kenya
A propos:

Incorporated in 2014, iProcure is a Kenyan agricultural supply chain platform operating in rural areas within East Africa.  

In addition to procurement and last mile distribution services to agro-dealers, iProcure provides business intelligence and data-driven stock management across the supply chains. 

The platform offers a variety of services to consolidate the fragmented supply chain in rural areas:   

  • Warehousing and last mile services: iProcure supplies fertilizers, seeds, animal feeds and agro-chemicals such as fungicides. The company buys the products from local manufacturers and suppliers and distribute them to distributors and retailers through 9 warehouses, 12 depots and 30 trucks 
  • Data-Driven distribution: iProcure provides real-time business intelligence and helps distributors and retailers track sales, manage inventory and procurement 
  • SaaS model: iProcure provides the software to their agro-dealers, together with a Point-of-Sale hardware. This is in the effort to digitize the sector, where information is generally inaccurate and unreliable. The Point of Sale platform helps to make the rural agro-dealers more efficient because they are able to track their sales, costs and inventory. The platform can also be used by other logistics and distribution players operating outside the agricultural sector

iProcure has started expanding to Uganda by installing the Point of Sale platform at the agro-dealers within the country, and will eventually launch a full scale expansion to Uganda and Tanzania. The company is also considering expansion to West Africa, using the vast experience they have already gained.  


The company was co-founded by Stefano Carcoforo and Nicole Galletta: 

  • Stefano Carcoforo, born in Kenya, is currently the CEO of iProcure. Prior to founding iProcure, he worked for Philips Engineering as a Systems Engineer and for a number of large development projects in Cameroon and Haiti. He did his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and Masters in Business / Project Management
  • Nicole Galletta is co-Founder and Head of Innovation. She is responsible for onboarding retailers and distributors in Kenya and Uganda. Previous to founding iProcure, Nicole worked as an Urban Planner and GIS Expert for UN Habitat, and Geographic Information Manager for FAO. She has a Master’s Degree in Urban / Environmental Planning


  • Supporting the growth of the company in East Africa, starting with Uganda  
  • Further expansion into more counties in Kenya 
  • Increasing the company’s capacity to use data to make the operations more efficient 
  • Supporting the company in their quest to brand their own products 
  • Improving the website and social media presence 


  • iProcure improves access to essential products for the rural farming population 
  • Digitisation of agro-dealers using iProcure’s Point of Sale platform, which will over time, help to switch the agro-dealers from manual record keeping to digital records. This also helps the traders to forecast their inventory needs, and reduce pilferage within their shops 
  • Increasing traceability of the agricultural inputs being sold to farmers – over time, this will help understand and reduce environmental impacts of these inputs 
  • Growth of a Kenyan start-up expanding across East Africa and eventually West Africa, creating significant employment within the urban, and especially rural areas 
In portfolio since: 2022
