Carrières du Moungo

Created in 2005, Carrières du Moungo (CDM) is a company located in Cameroon which has developed sand quarry activities for BTP construction.
The company rapidly developed to meet a growing need for high-quality construction in Cameroon. CDM currently operates on 3 sites and has diversified its activities (crushed gravel, ready-mix concrete...).
André Ngalaho first worked within the sport community before investing in sand quarry and gravel pit. He created CDM with the financial support from his friends.
His wife Laure Djoukam started to work full-time in the company in 2009. She manages day-to-day operations while M. Ngalaho is responsible for the business development
I&P is committed alongside CDM to:
• Renew the company’s equipment and improve its profitability
• Bring Technical assistance to reinforce the financial, technical and operational management of CDM and to set up an social and environmental plan
• 70 full time employees, out of which more than 30 high-skilled and medium skilled jobs
• Salary is twice higher than other extraction companies
• CDM satisfies a strong local demand and its production subsidies itself to importations
• A large part of CDM’s output is produced and consumed locally
• All the suppliers of the company are local