
Conergies est un groupe spécialisé dans la conception, l’ingénierie, l’installation et la maintenance de systèmes de climatisation et de froid industriel.
Conergies designs, engineers, installs and provides maintenance for air conditioning and industrial cooling systems.
The group gathers two subsidiaries in Mali (RICA Services) and in Côte d'Ivoire (ARIC). Being comfortably settled in Mali, the group plans on a large-scaled deployment in Côte d'Ivoire where the construction market remains globally depressed. Around 80% of Abidjan towers need restoration and virtually no investment were made in the past 15 years within the sector. The local offer needs a structuration force which RICA is able to embody.
Mamadou Sanankoua graduated in Mechanics Engineering from Polytechnique Montreal and in International Project Management from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce of Paris. His academic path thus combines technical and financial skills with business engineering experiences earned within great industrial firms (Schneider Electrics, Daikin Europe). He decided to take the lead in the family business then ran by his father in 2001 to pursue its leadership over the sub-region alongside with his brothers and a friend.
I&P has committed alongside with Conergies:
• To bring technical assistance resources needed to renew the Management Information System
• To support through marketing assistance and guide the company during its rebranding process
• To build up the governance
• A dozen jobs created in the new Ivorian subsidiary
• Awareness and expertise brought over efficient energy
• Health and security trainings for the employees