Emmanuel Cotsoyannis

Emmanuel Cotsoyannis is the co-founder and the CEO of MIARAKAP, the first Malagasy impact fund, sponsored by IPDEV2. MIARAKAP targets high potential SMEs, operating in various sectors and various regions in Madagascar, with financing needs comprised between 100 million and 1 billio Ariary. → Read more on MIARAKAP
Emmanuel had several entrepreneurial experiences before launching MIARAKAP, notalby in the hotel industry (in Madagascar) and in the catering and event industry (France). Besides he has worked several years wiith the network Entreprendre where we accompagnied entrepreneurs in their start-up or development phase.
Emmanuel graduated from Sciences Po Paris and EDHEC.
The African proverb that inspires him
"He who is alone cannot be self-sufficient"
About Miarakap
Miarakap is the first impact fund dedicated to the financing and support SMEs and start-ups in Madagascar.
Managed by Emmanuel Cotsoyannis, Miarakap is the fourth African fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires as part of its program I&P Development 2. The network currently includes impact funds specialized in SME-financing in Niger (Sinergi Niger), Burkina Faso (Sinergi Burkina), in Senegal (Teranga Capital) and Côte d'Ivoire (Comoé Capital).