Pêcheries du Sud

The group Pêcheries du Sud gathers key actors of the seafood sector in Madagascar. Its activities are mainly based in Madagascar, but the Group is also a partner and reference shareholder of Groupe Réunimer, based in La Réunion.
Pêcheries du Sud is present in the main links of the seafood value chain through its various subsidiaries, from production (fishing, aquaculture) to processing and packaging in factories and marketing on local and international markets.
The group notably includes:
• Indian Ocean Trepang (IOT), a company specialized in the breeding and export of sea cucumbers that I&P has been supporting since 2012. IOT associates isolated fishing villages with its activity, generating additional income and thus fighting against overfishing and the extinction of marine fauna.
• COPEFRITO: Established in Tuléar since 1995, the COmpagnie de PEche FRIgorifique de TUléar, or COPEFRITO, is a Malagasy limited company specialising in the collection and processing of cephalopods (octopus, squid) and other products such as lobster, crabs and certain fish.
• SPSM: The Société de Pêche de Sainte-Marie (SPSM) was created in 1999 around a triple activity: fishing, collection and processing
• Madagascar Alive Seafood (MAS) was formally created in October 2015 and specializes in mangrove crab aquaculture
Olivier Méraud has worked with Copefrito since 2004, where he has held several operational positions. He is a Merchant Navy Captain by training and has worked in the fishing and seafood trade for 12 years. In parallel to his duties at Copefrito, he co-founded Madagascar Seafood (MSF) in 2005 and is now one of its main shareholders and Chairman.
Jaco Chan Kit Waye is the current Managing Director of IOT, and and experienced entrepreneur. After having created and directed Copefrito, he founded in 2008 the company Madagascar Holothurie, now IOT, in association with a local partner and a team of university researchers. His environmental and social commitment led him to work as early as 2003 for the first natural resource management site with a fishing community and several NGOs to develop a protected marine area while improving the living conditions of fishermen. In 2006, Jaco was named "Malagasy SME Manager of the Year" (prize awarded by the BNI Madagascar of the Crédit Agricole group).
Partnership with I&P
I&P is committed alongside Pêcheries du Sud to:
• Support the launch of a new seafood processing plant in Diego
• Expand the group's activities in other regions of Madagascar, particularly in the north of the island
• Supporting the group at managerial and financial levels
• The group strongly contributes to the development of the seafood sector in Madagascar
• Implementation of a rational management of marine resources
• Involvement in several rural development projects in Madagascar, in partnership with NGOs directly linked to the group's aquaculture activities.
• Implementation of a CSR policy at group level