Koloina Ramanantsoa

Koloina has always been committed to the development of Malagasy SMEs. In her previous experience, she helped entrepreneurs through consulting and management outsourcing.
Koloina graduated from INSCAE in 2015. After 4 years of experience in management, she joined Miarakap in March 2019 as Investment Manager. She later became Miarakap's outsourced CFO in February 2020.
About Miarakap
Miarakap is the first impact fund dedicated to the financing and support SMEs and start-ups in Madagascar.
Managed by Emmanuel Cotsoyannis, Miarakap is the fourth African fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires as part of its program I&P Development 2. The network currently includes impact funds specialized in SME-financing in Niger (Sinergi Niger), Burkina Faso (Sinergi Burkina), in Senegal (Teranga Capital) and Côte d'Ivoire (Comoé Capital).