Country: Senegal
Sector of activity: Digital, Tech
Status: Seed funding
Associed fund: I&P Accélération Technologies, Teranga Capital
Entrepreneur: Haskè Ventures, Pauline Barra
In portfolio since: 2024

Sammanté is a Senegalese company that offers its customers digital health coupons. A sammanté health coupon is a digital coupon that allows each beneficiary to pay for their medical expenses in public hospitals and pharmacies. The health coupons are available at a fixed monthly rate and provide financial cover for a range of health services, including consultations, medical check-ups, medicines and surgery. 

The entrepreneur

Sammanté was founded in 2023 by Haskè Ventures and Pauline Barra. Haskè Ventures is a venture studio that supports start-ups with seed capital, strategy development, talent sourcing and operational support. Pauline Barra is a young Senegalese woman with experience in auditing and finance, and in entrepreneurship.

Partnership with I&P and Teranga Capital

Sammanté is supported by I&P Accélération Technologies, a €2.5 million programme to finance and support around 15 start-ups in sub-Saharan Africa, backed by AFD through  Digital Africa. In Senegal, this programme is implemented by Teranga Capital.

This partnership will enable the start-up to

  • Improve its product by enhancing existing functionalities
  • Strengthen the technological dimension
  • Refine its positioning and develop a brand image
  • Strengthen its sales and technical teams
  • Expand to other countries in the sub-region