Date: 12/11/2024


From November 5 to 7, 2024, Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) and Le Club Africain des Entrepreneurs co-hosted the tenth edition of the Séminaire Entrepreneurs.

70 African entrepreneurs from a dozen sub-Saharan African countries, financed by the I&P network, met for a 3-day training course focused this year on “ Improving business management and succeeding in raising funds ”.

 See photos of the seminar

 Download press release


Since 2016, the Club Africain des Entrepreneurs and Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) have been co-organizing a training seminar for entrepreneurs financed and supported by I&P.

The 10th edition was held from November 5 to 7 in Abidjan and brought together over 70 entrepreneurs from 13 African countries.

The organization of this seminar was made possible thanks to the financial participation of the European Union, through the I&P Accélération au Sahel program, as well as AFD and the Mastercard Foundation.

"This initiative is born of the intuition that entrepreneurs need to get together with their peers. They learn a lot from each other, and I&P learns a lot from entrepreneurs. It was during one of the seminars, a few years ago, that we came up with the idea of creating a space where these entrepreneurs could exchange ideas beyond the seminar, and on a more permanent basis." - Sebastien Boyé – I&P's Co-CEO


A wide range of entrepreneurs with a common goal: improving business management and succeeding in raising funds.

I&P and Comoé Capital have put together a training and experience-sharing seminar on the subject of fund-raising.

This practical training course is designed to enable SME managers to familiarize themselves with the essential tools and techniques of accounting and financial management, and fund-raising, while encouraging an exchange of experience and best practices between participants.

"This seminar aims to arm African entrepreneurs with the financial knowledge and tools they need to structure their projects and attract financing. It is a real lever for transforming their ambitions into solid, sustainable businesses." - Olivier Bokoga, Principal of Comoe Capital.


A key event to unite a community of committed African entrepreneur

This year's event was attended by some seventy entrepreneurs supported by I&P and its partner funds (Comoé Capital, Inua Capital, Miarakap, Sinergi, Sinergi Burkina, Teranga Capital, Zira Capital). 13 Sub-Saharan African countries were represented: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo and Uganda.

In addition to training, this seminar also aims to create, bring together and federate a community of African entrepreneurs, committed to the development of their countries and the African continent.

"Every challenge an entrepreneur may face one day, at least one of the 300 other entrepreneurs in the Club has already experienced it. Each of us has a code that enables us to decipher the enigma of entrepreneurship in Africa. Put together, these codes form the key to our success. This is why the Club Africain des Entrepreneurs exists" - Folly Koussawo - President of the Club Africain des Entrepreneurs, CEO of Trianon Homes​

The mission of the Club Africain des Entrepreneurs is to carry out advocacy actions in support of the entrepreneurial cause and to develop economic opportunities both within and outside its network of members.
The most striking example is Côte d'Ivoire, where within the Club, Sara Adico, the Club's representative in Côte d'Ivoire, has created a club for women entrepreneurs open to other entrepreneurs who are not yet members, where they share opportunities for financing, training and much more.

"The Club Africain des Entrepreneurs, and the branch we created in Côte d'Ivoire, the Club Ivoirien des Femmes Entrepreneures, are such important spaces in our business. A space for expression, a space for sharing, but above all a space for solidarity." - Sara Adico - Entrepreneur, Founder of La Coccinelle School in Côte d'Ivoire


 See photos of the seminar