First women's commercial bank launched in Uganda!

Uganda Finance Trust and CEO Anne Nakawunde celebrated last week the issue of its Banking Licence by the Ugandan Central Bank :

It all started with a group of women. Driven by the dream of financial freedom, they carried the hopes of other women and many low income people in Uganda that someday a small microfinance institution would usher many into a life of plenty ", according to an article in the Ugandan press.

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IOT a sea cucumber enterprise, a model for aquaculture investment

Farming Sea Cucumbers in Malagasy Villages

Blue Ventures’ project builds on research by the Universities of Belgium and Mons, in a partnership with the Malagasy University of Toliara’s Institute of Fisheries and Marine Science, which have developed a patented method of sea cucumber hatchery reproduction.

In 2009, these universities worked with a couple of local Malagasy entrepreneurs to develop a pilot sea cucumber-production business named Madagascar Holothurie SA (MHSA).

