Interview with Rebecca Harrison, Director of the African Management Institute
Entrepreneurs | 11/10/2020    Launched in 2014, The African Management Institute (AMI) was one of the first investments made by our fund I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2. The company enables ambitious entrepreneurs and managers across Africa to thrive through practical tools and training. I&P met with...

Comoé Capital's first exit from Vallesse Editions
Entrepreneurs | 01/10/2020  After three years of support through the investment vehicle dedicated to education, Comoé Capital, Côte d'Ivoire's leading impact investment fund and partner of I&P, makes its first exit with Vallesse, an Ivorian publishing house.   VALLESSE has been created by...

I&P opens new office in Kenya, stepping up its activity in East Africa
News | 24/09/2020  The impact investing group Investisseurs & Partenaires is pleased to announce the launch of a new office in Nairobi, Kenya. This is an important step to leverage I&P’s successful track record and to expand its reach into East Africa. Download the Press Release...

The program I&P Acceleration Technologies is expanding in the tech sector in Sub-Saharan Africa
News | 17/09/2020  Launched a few months thanks to the support of the French Development Agency through the Digital Africa initiative, the program I&P Acceleration Technologies welcomes three high-potential African digital startups in its portfolio. Read more about I&P Acceleration Technologies...

The Sinergi Burkina impact fund is carrying out 5 new seed financings
News | 14/09/2020  Sinergi Burkina impact fund, dedicated to the financing and support of small and medium-sized enterprises in Burkina Faso, is providing five new seed funding through two programmes implemented by I&P and financed by the European Union (I&P Acceleration in Sahel) and the United...

Publication of the ESG / Impact IPDEV2 report
News | 20/08/2020Since 2015,  I&P Développement 2 (IPDEV 2) is a partner and sponsor of 5 African impact funds - Sinergi Burkina in Burkina Faso, Miarakap in Madagascar, Sinergi in Niger, Comoé Capital in Ivory Coast and Teranga Capital in Senegal - dedicated to the financing of start-ups and small and...

I&P Acceleration Program in Sahel: I&P and Teranga Capital complete first three seed financings
News | 11/08/2020    Launched last July, the I&P Acceleration in Sahel program is carrying out the first three seed financings in Senegal, for an average amount of 30 million FCFA. This is an important step for this ambitious programme financed by the European Union, which aims to...

Entrepreneurs of the Afrique Créative programme respond to the Covid-19 crisis
Entrepreneurs | 03/08/2020  Following the Covid-19 global pandemic, all economic activities were slowed down, with international travel totally banned between March and June in France and Belgium. In the countries of our entrepreneurs, containment and curfews have been put in place. Remote working has become...

I&P makes a new investment in Madagascar
News | 16/07/2020  Despite a global context strongly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the fund I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2 (IPAE 2) continues its investment activity and welcomes in its portfolio a new Malagasy company, SOAFIARY, operating in the agro-food sector.       ...

I&P's July Newsletter is online!
News | 16/07/2020  I&P's quaterly newsletter has just been published. The edition of July 2020 notably includes: • An editorial signed by Nathalie Akon Gabala de la Mastercard Foundation •  A focus on the launch of the program I&P Acceleration in Sahel, in partnership with the European...
