I&P Acceleration in Sahel: Seed funding, an essential tool for the take-off and development of Sahelian SMEs (short video).
News | 20/05/2021  Little desired by investors, the Sahel region is nevertheless a breeding ground for entrepreneurs and innovative projects, stimulating local growth and promoting job creation. Difficult access to funding and skills are the major issues preventing the development of these companies and...

2nd Quaterly Newsletter, with an editorial by Stéphanie Cohn Rupp
News | 06/05/2021  I&P's newsletter for April/May 2021 is online! In this newsletter : an editorial signed Stéphanie Cohn Rupp, reflecting on Impact Assets 50 and education issues in Sub-Saharan Africa; a focus on the 4th edition of the Social & Inclusive Business Camp and an interview of Ranto...

New Crystal attains new ISO certifications
Entrepreneurs | 03/05/2021  New Crystal Health Services, Ghana’s leading private health care group dedicated to the urban poor, has recently attained ISO certifications in the following: ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and ISO 45001:2018. This is an important step for New Crystal, financed by our fund I&P...

I&P invests in Ghanaian company XpressGas
Entrepreneurs | 27/04/2021  The fund I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2 welcomes in its portfolio the Ghanaian company XpressGas, a pioneering distributor of Liquefied Petroleum Gas. Also known as LPG, this fuel offers an efficient and environmentally friendly alternative, particularly for peri-urban and rural areas...

Closing of the fourth edition of the Social & Inclusive Business Camp
Entrepreneurs | 21/04/2021The 4th edition of the Social & Inclusive Camp is coming to an end for the 2020 cohort, after a particularly eventful year due the Covid-19 pandemic. The 65 entrepreneurs of the cohort have taken up the challenge of digitalization, demonstrated their adaptability and seized the networking...

Afrique Créative 2021: the second edition of the programme is open!
News | 19/04/2021  After a pilot edition started in October 2019 for four countries, the acceleration programme funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and managed by a consortium composed of Africalia, I&P Conseil, Zhu Culture and the Bayimba Foundation is opening a second call for...

Interview of Ranto Andriambololona, Founder of HaiRun Technology and SmartPredict
Entrepreneurs | 19/04/2021  A native of Antananarivo and a graduate of the Institut Supérieur Polytechnique de Madagascar, Ranto Andriambololona worked for 15 years in France before returning to Madagascar in 2018 with two entrepreneurial projects in the tech sector. Three years later, HaiRun Technology and...

I&P finances two tech companies in Côte d'Ivoire through its I&P Acceleration Technologies program
News | 07/04/2021    Keiwa and Legafrik, two Ivorian start-ups operating in the tech sector, have recently joined the portfolio of I&P Acceleration Technologies, a program aiming to finance and support about fifteen digital start-ups in Sub-Saharan Africa. These two companies will benefit...

A podcast featuring Guy Kamgaing, Director of StarNews
Entrepreneurs | 06/04/2021  Guy Kamgaing, founder and director of StarNews Mobile, has been interviewed by The Flip, a podcast exploring more contextually relevant insights from entrepreneurs changing the status quo in Africa. The podcast explores the topic of mass-market media. Listen to the podcast...

I&P Acceleration in Sahel : Meet Siny Samba and Rémi Filasto, founders of the Senegalese company Le Lionceau
Entrepreneurs | 06/04/2021  Launched in July 2020, Le Lionceau was one of the first companies to benefit from I&P Acceleration in Sahel. As part of this ambitious program for young Sahelian companies, we met Siny Samba and Rémi Filasto, founders of this company that specializes in the production of baby food...
