Companies to Inspire Africa 2017
12 I&P's investees listed among the ‘’Companies to Inspire Africa’’
Entrepreneurs | 06/04/2017  A dozen of companies supported by Investisseurs & Partenaires, have been selected by the London Stock Exchange Group for its first report ‘’Companies to Inspire Africa”, identifying hundreds of Africa’s most inspirational and dynamic private, high-growth companies (ACEP Burkina,...

USAID Business Fights Poverty
Support Impact Investing in West Africa
Intelligence & Analysis | 10/03/2017  Rob Schneider and romi Bhatia, from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) published an article on the collaborative platform Business Fights Poverty, explaining the Agency's strategy to promote sustainable and small businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa. An occasion to recall...

Catherine Krobo-Edusei Eden Tree
Interview of Catherine Krobo-Edusei, founder of Eden Tree
Entrepreneurs | 06/03/2017During the 5th Training seminar dedicated to I&P's portfolio entrepreneurs, Proparco (affiliated with the French Development Agency) asked a few questions to Catherine Krobo-Edusei, founder and CEO of Eden Tree Limited, one of Ghana's largest producer of fruits and vegetables.  ...

paysage investissement impact afrique
Infography: the landscape for impact investing in Sub-Saharan Africa
Intelligence & Analysis | 17/02/2017  The last study published by I&P and FERDI, "Investing in Africa's Development" (October 2016), aims to demonstrate why does impact investment represent an innovative and efficient answer to the development challenges of the continent. The study presents in one of the chapters the...

Disrupt Africa
Disrupt Africa: ''Meet the Investor'' with Hugues Vincent-Genod from I&P
In The Press | 03/02/2017  Disrupt Africa recently published an interview of Hugues Vincent-Genod, Investment Officer at I&P. He presents I&P's investment thesis and the project IPDEV 2, consisting in launching ten investment funds in ten African countries. ► Read the interview online  ...

I&P wishes you a happy new year!
News | 19/01/2017  Jean-Michel Severino and all the team of Investisseurs & Partenaires wish you the best for 2017!  Find more on our latest news in I&P janruary's newsletter ►► • Editorial signed by Jean-Michel Severino • Entrepreneur's story: Adedognin Abimbola, Bénin • Focus: I...

Adedognin Abimbola
Entrepreneur Adedognin Abimbola shares the lessons of his experience
Entrepreneurs | 18/01/2017  Born in Benin in the late 1960s, Adedognin Abimbola moved to France with his sisters and brothers to study. Graduated from Toulouse Business School, he began his career in the group Decathlon. Willing to bring his own contribution to Africa’s development, Adedognin returns to Benin in...

SDGs in Africa #1 : Agriculture, Nutrition and Food Security
Intelligence & Analysis | 12/01/2017  As I&P and FERDI recently published a study exploring the connections between the impact investing industry and the newly defined Sustainable Development Goals, we will be exploring the main development issues identified in the report: Fighting Poverty and Inequalities, Agriculture,...

Enko Education
Enko Education: several students admitted to Yale and Bristol University
Entrepreneurs | 22/12/2016    Three of the students registered in Enko’s educational program have been admitted to the prestigious universities of Bristol (UK) and Yale (US). An encouraging start for Enko Education, which now counts a network of seven high schools across Sub-Saharan Africa. ► Read...

Carrière et Chaux du Mali publish a video on its activities
Entrepreneurs | 16/12/2016  Carrière et Chaux du Mali (CCM), a company specialized in the production of quicklime and lime quarrying in which I&P invested last October, published a new video to present its activities.   The company, directed by Madani Diallo, provides Malian farmers with a natural...
