I&P Club Africain Entrepreneurs
Launch of the "Club of African Entrepreneurs"
Entrepreneurs | 28/10/2015   Investisseurs & Partenaires has organized, mid-october, its 4th training seminar dedicated to its partners, with the support of the European Bank of Investment and the fund FISEA. About 50 entrepreneurs have participated to address CSR issues in African SMEs. Read more on the...

IPDEV2 Closing
I&P announces the first closing of its fund IPDEV2
News | 27/10/2015    IPDEV2, the first incubator and sponsor of African impact funds, held the signing of its first closing on October 20th 2015. While three funds are already operational, in Niger, Burkina Faso and Senegal, IPDEV2 aims to build a network of 10 impact funds in 10 African countries...

Portrait Entrepreneur: Bakary Coulibaly, from ENVAL LABORATOIRE in Ivory Coast
Entrepreneurs | 26/10/2015    After a career in public education, Bakary Coulibaly decides to launch, with a couple of associates, a consultancy firm (started in 2000) and a microbiological laboratory (2012). Since its creation, the laboratory has gained a significant notoriety in the West African sub region...

A crowdfunding campaign to finance PhileoL's new project in Madagascar
Entrepreneurs | 23/10/2015    The crowdfunding platform Blue Bees, dedicated to agriculture, agroecology and sustainable food system, has recently launched a campaign to support the Madagascan company PhileoL. The objective is to finance the annual collect of castor oil seeds, ensuring stable income for 5,...

Impact Assets 50 Investissseurs et Partenaires
I&P selected for the ImpactAssets 50 for the second consecutive year
News | 21/10/2015  Investisseurs & Partenaires has been selected for the ImpactAssets 50 2015 (IA 50), a free, publically available online resource for impact investors and their advisors. The IA 50, now in its fifth year, is the first publically available database of private debt and equity impact...

IOT Investisseurs et Partenaires
IOT finalizes a first sale of sea cucumbers
Entrepreneurs | 19/10/2015   The Madagascan company IOT, founded in 2012 by Jaco Chan Kit Waye and Olivier Méraud and specialized in the breeding of sea cucumbers, has recently closed its first exportation. IOT has developped, in partnership with a local team of scientists, a new growing technique of...

I&P organise 4th training seminar dedicated to portfolio entrepreneurs
News | 13/10/2015  From 13 to 15 October, more than 50 entrepreneurs will be gathered for the 4th edition of I&P’s annual training seminar, dedicated to the partner companies. The seminar will address the key issues related to employees’ recruitment and loyalty, based on the following question: how to...

COP21 I&P Environnement
2 months before COP21 : Sustainable development issues in Sub-Saharan Africa
Intelligence & Analysis | 08/10/2015The 195 States participating to the COP21, held in Paris in December 2015, had to submit their greenhouse-gas emission reduction target. The vast majority of African countries have respected the deadline, set on October 1st.     The cost of climate change for the continent...

ACEP Microfinance Investisseurs & Partenaires
The microfinance network ACEP develops its CSR policy
Entrepreneurs | 03/10/2015             The microfinance network ACEP Africa Group is developping a formal CSR policy and social performance measurement tools. First developed in the ACEP institutions based in Niger, Burkina Fasob and Cameroon, this policy...

Aspen Network Development Entrepreneurs I&P
I&P participates to ANDE annual conference
News | 01/10/2015     From September 30 to October 2, the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) helds its annual conference, targeted at senior-level executives of ANDE member organizations, including leading investors, capacity development providers, foundations, banks,...
