NEST clinique Sénégal Investisseurs et Partenaires
"Three young entrepreneurs who are transforming Africa" with K. Nakoulima (NEST)
Entrepreneurs | 28/09/2015  HEC Alumni organizes, in partnership with Okan Consulting, a serie of conferences dedicated to Africa. The conference held on September 29 will focus on "three entrepreneurs who are transforming Africa". Among them stands Khadidiatou Nakoulima, the founder and director of the clinic NEST...

I&P welcomes two pioneer companies in its portfolio
News | 25/09/2015The €54 million I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs (IPAE) fund, managed by Investisseurs & Partenaires, has recently invested, as minority stakeholders, in two companies based in West Africa. Both of them demonstrate the great innovation capacity of African SMEs, as they play a pioneering role...

Démographie Afrique Investisseurs et Partenaires
Sub-Saharan Africa: a major emerging demographic power
Intelligence & Analysis | 15/09/2015   According to the last demographic forecasts, Sub-Saharan Africa will count 2.5 billion inhabitants by 2050. As underlined by the UN Report Revision of World Population Report, large demographic powers are emerging: Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia will...

Fight against stereotypes on Africa with the web-documentary Small is Powerful
News | 11/09/2015The project Small is Powerful, initiated by Joan Bardeletti and Investisseurs & Partenaires, takes a major step forward with the launch of a dedicated web-documentary at the Forum Convergences, in Paris, and during the debates organized by the Monde Afrique in Abidjan. Broadcasted in...

Nutri’zaza director shares her experience at the Wolrd Forum Convergences
Entrepreneurs | 08/09/2015    On Setpember 8, 2015, the director of the Madagascan company Nutri'zaza, Mieja Vola Rakotonarivo, participated to the workshop "What is a responsible social business?" organized by the Forum Convergences.   The workshop was moderated by Cécile Lapenu and gathered...

Convergences Investisseurs et Partenaires
I&P participates to the Forum Convergences, September 7-9th
News | 04/09/2015  The 8th edition of the Forum Convergences will take place from September 7th to 8th in Paris, and will be focused on the topic ‘’Zero exclusion, zero carbon, zero poverty”. Launched in 2008, Convergences has become one of the main platforms for international development actors....

Les Grands Moyens Investisseurs et Partenaires
El País publishes a porfolio on the project Small is Powerful
In The Press | 03/09/2015    El Pais Semanal, the weekly supplement of the Spanish newspaper El Pais publishes a 8-pages portfolio of the projet Small is Powerful. ► Download the portfolio       Most widely read newspaper of Spain with an audience of over 2 million daily...

EVPA Investisseurs et Partenaires
A practical guide to measure impact
Intelligence & Analysis | 18/08/2015   EVPA (European Venture Philanthropy Association) publishes the second edition of its guide on impact measurement and management, targeted at venture philantropy organizations and social investors. The first objective of the manual is to create a roadmap or guidemap to help...

I&P publishes its Newsletter n°10, focused on SME financing in Africa
News | 20/07/2015As stated by Omar Cissé and Olivier Furdelle in the edito of the 10th newsletter published by Investisseurs & Partenaires, "access to finance shoult not be an obstacle to entrepreneurship in Africa". The founders of the Senegalese investment fund Teranga Capital explain why it is necessary to...

I&P's carbon offset program for 2013-2014
News | 15/07/2015 Since 2011, I&P has committed to compensate for its carbon footprint. For the 2013-2014 period, I&P has chosen a project promoted by ECOSUR in Ivory Coast to offset its carbon emissions. I&P carbon emissions represent 515 tons of CO2, 90% of them coming from plane travels....
