I&P's October Newsletter is on line
News | 15/10/2014  Edito Nicholas Colloff, Executive Director of the Argidius Foundation & Randall Kempner, CEO of the Aspen Network of Developement Entrepreneurs (ANDE)   "ANDE and the Argidius Foundation are both active supporters of development entrepreneurs. ANDE contributes to focus...

IPDEV is awarded a €1 million grant from the Argidius-ANDE Finance Challenge
News | 30/09/2014On the brink of its 1st closing, IPDEV 2 is awarded a 1 million EUR grant from the Argidius-ANDE Finance ChallengeI&P Développement was announced winner of the Argidius-ANDE Challenge and received a 1 million EUR grant at the Annual ANDE Meeting held on 9/29th at Glencove. This challenge awards...

"Revolutionizing access to finance for African SMEs" JM Severino on MFW4A
Intelligence & Analysis | 24/09/2014"Over the past decade Africa has experienced a 5% growth across the continent. This surprising and spectacular growth attracts investors from around the world. They are both forced to change their perception about what contains profound upheaval, and seduced by what is now considered as...

"Measuring impact" a global framing thought on tools and methods
Intelligence & Analysis | 24/09/2014The Impact Measurement Working Group of the Social Impact Investing Taskforce, established by the G8, launched last week Measuring Impact, a report highlighting key recommendations for the future of impact measurement. The report was launched in conjunction with the overarching Social Impact...

What conclusions to be drawn from this summer’s US Africa Business Forum?
Intelligence & Analysis | 15/09/2014On August 5th, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke at what the Washington Post called a “landmark meeting of African leaders” to initiate a renewal in the US/Africa relations. He announced that U.S. businesses intend to invest more than $14 billion in various African sectors. This speech closured a...

3 days and 3 nights to co-create tomorrow' solutions : Convergences 2014
News | 08/09/2014Chairman of the Convergences annual forum, Jean-Michel Severino was heard as moderator on today's opening conference. This second day of the event broke out with an inspiring gathering of high-level speakers :Bertrand Badré, World Bank's managing director and World Bank group's CFOMonique Barbut,...

"Renewable Energy in African SMEs" A Panorama of 77 Companies in 5 Sub-Saharan Countries
News | 29/07/2014Etienne Saint-Sernin is an engineer, specialized in renewable energy. His background in the sector includes research and developement, technical support and market consultancy for SMEs, NGOs ans investors, including Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P), both in Europe and Africa.He recently...

I&P's July newsletter is now online
News | 15/07/2014   Edito: Ann-Katrin DoliumNew investment committee member of the I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs fund specialized in environmental, social and governance impacts "Beyond my duties as Director of Corporate Relations of the Africa/MENA-region in VIGEO I have...

IPAE Annual ESG/Impact Report now Online
News | 04/07/2014Every year our ESG/Impacts team collects and agregates a series of impact indicators from our I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs portfolio investees (11 companies this year). Collected figures will serve a global study to measure economic, environmental, social and governance impacts generated by our...

"Small and Growing: Entrepreneurship in African Agriculture" A Montpellier Panel Report
Intelligence & Analysis | 01/07/2014This report was authored by Agriculture for Impact, an advocacy initiative that convenes the Montpellier Panel to encourage better European donor support for the advancement of agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa. The members of the Montpellier panel expose how investment in rural...
