
Barajii produces and commercializes water and locally produced fruit juices (Bissap, mango, ginger, etc.) packed in bio-degradable bags and PET bottles.
Production currently takes place in Burkina Faso, with a main factory based in Ouagadougou and a small production unit in Bobo Dioulasso. Part of the production is exported to Mali. The company has produced more than 130 million liters of beverage in 2015.
Barajii aims to develop its production and distribution activities in 8 to 10 countries over the next 5 years. the group has already launched with success a subsidiary in February 2016.
Barajii is part of the group Durabilis. Founded in 2003, Durabilis is an international impact investing company specialized in the agro-industry sector with headquarters in Ghent, Belgium. Through the concept of shared value, Durabilis is committed to providing local and export markets with sustainable quality products, optimizing supply chains and improving the lives of employees. Since its creation, Durabilis has achieved notable successes in the production and export of fair trade products (Fair Fruit in Ethiopia, Guatemala, and Burkina Faso; Stévia One in Peru, Terral’s rice production in Senegal…).
Barajii Group is managed by Peter Willaert. Based in Ethiopia since early 2016 to manage the launch of the subsidiary in the country, he previously successfully managed the Burkinabe organization. Before 2010, he worked for the Dutch NGO SNV in Ouagadougou, where he was responsible for the West African region.
The group Barajii currently holds two subsidiaries: one in Burkina Faso (Société Burkinabè des Filières Alimentaires – SBFA) and one in Togo (Société Togolaise des Filières Alimentaires – STFA)
The Burkinabe branch is led by Abasse Kane, a Senegalese businessman with more than 15 years of experience in the agro-industrial sector. The Togolese branch is headed by Charles Netchenawoe, a Togolese citizen graduated from Ecole des Mines of Nancy.
I&P committed alongside with Barajii to:
• Finance the launch and development of the group in 8 to 10 African countries
• Support the group in its geographical expansion
• Reinforce and expand Barajii’s environmental and social strategy
The company has adopted a strong social and environmental policy, which is developed on several areas: support to local producers, job creation, environmental responsibility… As a result:
- More than 600 jobs have been created, including about 300 full-time jobs. The minimum wage is 67% superior to the legal minimum wage in Burkina Faso, and all the employees benefit from an inexpensive health insurance
- Barajii buys the fruits to local producers, providing them with additional income and opportunities. The group also provides them with training and agricultural inputs.
- Good quality and accessible products, including for people at the bottom of the pyramid
- Use of biodegradable packaging which disintegrated in 6 months on contact with air and sun. The company has contributed to the new Burkinabe law forbidding the use of non-degradable bags and packaging in Burkina Faso
- The factories use solar panels and require little energy