Country: Mali
Sector of activity: Industry, Textile
Status: Seed funding
Associed fund: I&P Accélération au Sahel
Entrepreneur: Fatoumata Namissa Théra SOW
In portfolio since: 2022

IKALOOK, "your style" in Bambara, is a Malian company specialized in the confection of women's clothing and advocates ethical fashion.  It is the first Malian company to modernize the woven loincloth, a fabric obtained from the artisanal weaving of local cotton.



IKALOOK was created in 2016 by Fatoumata Namissa Théra SOW, a young woman strongly committed to eco-responsible fashion. With several years of experience in design, this fashion enthusiast since her early childhood started her clothing business in 2013. She designs original models that she makes from wax, bazin and dampé fabrics, a traditional fabric popular in Mauritania, where her mother comes from.



IKALOOK is supported by Zira Capital through I&P Acceleration program in Sahel.

The main objective of this partnership is to :

Increase the company's working capital by providing more raw materials and tools

Strengthen the team by hiring new staff and improving working conditions (formalization of employment, medical and social coverage)

Implementation of a communication and marketing strategy to boost sales

Technical assistance to formalize and structure the organization (e.g. implementation of internal procedures and internal accounting system)

Increase the supply capacity and quality of finished products