
Nutrizaza est une entreprise à vocation sociale dont l’objet est de développer un réseau de restaurants pour bébés (hotelin-jazakely)
Nutrizaza is a social business fighting against children malnutrition. The company has developed a network of baby restaurants (hotelin’jazakely) alongside with the commercial selling of “Koba Aina”, a range of enhanced baby food. The company seeks for the largest distribution of a good quality aliment for infants, and especially among the poorest while sticking to an enterprise-based approach as a financially sustainable business. Nutrizaza has also undertaken a campaign against malnutrition through information campaigns and a watch over the babies’ weight.
"Koba Aina" is a baby flour complementary with breast-feeding. It is produced and packed with local raw material based on a nutritional formula elaborated by Taf, a Malagasy agribusiness partner. The production is controlled and in compliance with international standards. It is distributed in individual packs or ready-made by Nutrizaza field animators during neighborhood tours. As to now, it gives the best quality/price ratio on the market.
Presentation of Nutri'Zaza - 2015
Mieja Vola RAKOTONARIVO est responsable du projet Nutri’zaza depuis Octobre 2004. Ingénieur en industries agroalimentaires et diplômée d’un Master en technologies agroalimentaires elle est responsable du projet de création de Nutri’zaza pour le compte du GRET. Elle gère l’équipe de Nutri’zaza et met en œuvre avec l’équipe les activités prévues pour atteindre les objectifs définis. Elle s’occupe plus particulièrement des relations entre Nutri’zaza et les institutions extérieures.
I&P committed alongside with Nutrizaza
• As a strategic and financial partner, chairing at the board
• Undertaking technical assistance missions, with a view to empower the leading team
• About 100 jobs created, including 70% women
• 34 Hotelin-Jazakely ("restaurants for babies") and more than 9 million units of KobaAina distributed in 2015
• Intervention area : 33 municipalities and 112 fokontany (villages, neighbourhoods, etc)
• 116 local suppliers
• Information campaigns towards young mothers
• Sanitary issues : Decrease of child mortality and improvement in the anthropometric criteria of young Malagasy children (weight and size)
• In the medium-run, increase of education enrolment rate due tie the decrease of illness risks