Yam Agro Industrie

YAM AGRO is a company that operates in the food industry. Created in 2019, it specializes in the production of syrups (bissap, ginger) and mango jam.
YAM AGRO INDUSTRIE was founded by Steve YAMEOGO. Passionate about the agricultural sector and having grown up in the food processing industry, he holds an engineering degree in electromechanical engineering from the Private Polytechnic Institute of Casablanca (Morocco).
YAM AGRO is accompanied by SINERGI BURKINA within the framework of the I&P Acceleration program in Sahel.
The main objective of this partnership is to :
- Improve product quality and increase syrup production capacity
- Consolidate its gains in the market (strengthen its positioning and build loyalty among existing customers) and win a larger customer base at the national level
- Restructuring the company and strengthening its management system
- Diversify the company's products through the production of bissap wine
- Consolidation and formalization of 7 existing jobs and creation of 10 new formal jobs for young people and women
- Contribution to the national economy through the payment of taxes to the tax authorities
- Contribution to the development of agricultural sectors through the valorization of local products
About Sinergi Burkina
Created in 2014, Sinergi Burkina is the first impact investment fund dedicated to financing and supporting SMEs and start-ups in Burkina Faso. Headed by Job Zongo, Sinergi Burkina is the second investment fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires as part of the I&P Développement 2 fund. The fund network currently includes a fund in Niger (Sinergi Niger), Côte d'Ivoire (Comoé Capital), Senegal (Teranga Capital) and Madagascar (Miarakap). → To learn more about Sinergi Burkina