CAT Logistics, operating partner of the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Mali
Submitted by admin on Wed, 03/19/2014 - 15:10
Date: 19/03/2014
Theme: Entrepreneurs
CAT Logistics (transport, Mali) has been for the past few months carrying transportation and logistics missions between Ivory Coast and Mali within the framework of the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Mali. This contract was signed in partnership with two other local companies
CAT Logistics's role was to receive and land UN equipment such as remote sites in the harbour of Abidjan and transport them to Mali (Gao, Kidal, Tombouctou, Tessalit...). In 4 months, CAT Logistics has mobilized near to a thousand trucks in order to carry out this order. At the moment, a 90t barge is being loaded to be driven and delivered on the Niger river in Gao.