Date: 29/06/2015

CDS, a compagny offering access to water and electricity services to rural population in Mauritania, has partnered with Djikké, a savings and credit mutual, so as to propose adequate solar equipment via microfinance solutions.

The partnership will allow CDS to develop its activities in rural areas, where electricity access is particularly limited. The company is part of IPDEV portfolio since 2011. To find out more, please visit their website or watch the reportage made by Joan Bardeletti for the project Small is Powerful.


A good knowledge of Mauritania's rural areas

Settled in Nouakchott and in rural areas, Djikké offers financial services (saving, credit, money transfers) and non-financial services (literacy, awareness campaigns) to its clients.

Both CDS and Djikké developped strong relationships with their clients living in rural areas. According to their experience, the lack of access to electricity services appears as a major obstacle to local developement and to the improvement of living conditions


Address the  lack of access to energy services in Mauritania

Energy access is a major issue in Mauritania: electrification rate is about 30% at the national level, but with a huge gap between urban and rural areas. Only 5% of the rural population has access to electricity.

Access to solar equipment is impeded by two major obstacles:

  • Lack of information to select reliable and good-quality equipment
  • Lack of financing solutions to invest in these equiments

Through this partnership, Djikké will propose CDS' solar products and an adequate credit solution for its clients (about 12,000 in rural areas)

CDS - Photo

Children are studying in the evening thanks to a solar lamp provided by CDS, in the village of Bjelware. Photo Credit: Joan Bardeletti


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