A crowdfunding campaign to support 6000 smallholder farmers in Madagascar
Submitted by admin on Sat, 10/22/2016 - 23:07
After a first successful campaign for the Mauritanian company CDS, I&P partners again with the American crowdfunding platform Kiva. The new projets aims to support the activities of Phileol, a Malagasy company specialized in the collect and transformation of ricin seeds. The loan of 50 000$ will contribute to fund the harvest of seeds of 6,000 smallholder farmers in the south of Madagascar.
To support the campaign, click here
About PhileoL
PhileoL is a Malagasy company established in the south of the island where it breeds and transforms ricin seeds into oil. After transformation the oil is exported abroad to be used in cosmetic and industry. Phileol brings at stake a strong social and environmental impact while collaborating with local smallholder farmes to collect and grow the seeds, ensuring them strong revenue and steady employment while the region remains one of the poorest of the island.
With regards to this social project, Phileol has elaborated and signed a Social Code while collaborating with many institutional actors and NGOs like the WWF, the UNPD or else EFA, a local initiative to enhance social improvement in rural areas. Besides, Phileol is also committed in valuating southern rural lands with various projects consisting in clearing and cultivating them.