Date: 23/01/2025


I&P exits the capital of Enko Education, a network of international African schools that gives the continent's youth access to the best universities in the world, a company in which I&P invested in 2016 through the I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 1 fund.

Enko Education has designed an innovative model: programs that lead to diplomas recognized and sought after worldwide. Enko accompanies its students into higher education with a university orientation program. They are guided in their choice of universities, securing admission and finding solutions to finance their higher education. The Enko model has already proved its worth, with impressive admissions results. Former students have been admitted to Yale College (USA), Sciences Po (France), University of Toronto (Canada), African Leadership University (Rwanda) and many others.


Enko enters a new development cycle with this new USD 24 million financing from Africa Capitalworks (ACW) and Adiwale Fund I (Adiwale). The funding will support Enko's ambitious acquisition strategy across Africa, with the aim of tripling student numbers to 20,000 by 2029.

Read the press release (fr): click here


programme: I&P Expansion, IPAE 1