I&P and the Jacobs Foundation launch the Education Impact Fund in Côte d'Ivoire
News | 14/11/2017  I&P, Comoé Capital, and the Jacobs Foundation are launching a new impact fund dedicated to education in Côte d’Ivoire, the Education Impact Fund (EIF). The fund will provide financial and managerial support to Ivoirian start-ups and small enterprises with strong impact on the...

PEG Africa completes US$13.5 million fundraise
Entrepreneurs | 06/11/2017  PEG Africa, the leading off-grid solar company in West Africa, is pleased to announce it has successfully raised US$13.5 million through a combination of debt and a Series B equity financing. The proceeds will be used to accelerate growth in Ghana and Ivory Coast, where PEG is already a...

EVPA success stories: NEST in Senegal
Entrepreneurs | 27/10/2017  The European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) launched a new website featuring a set of innovative projects supported by foundations and impact funds. The Senegalese company NEST counts among the ‘’success stories’’ selected by EVPA. The stories showcase how these companies...

New impact study on I&P’s portfolio: ITGStore in Cameroon
Entrepreneurs | 19/10/2017  Each year I&P conducts an in-depth impact study on one of its portfolio companies. This year’s study focuses on ITGStore, an ITC company based in Cameroon. It was conducted by I&P and FERDI (the Foundation for International Development Study and Research).   Download...

Interview of Boureïma Lam, Malian Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs | 18/10/2017    17 years ago Boureïma Lam launched one of the very first dry-cleaner’s of Bamako (Pressing Lam). Observing the lack of professional offer for the hotel industry, he starts in 2007 an industrial laundry dedicated to this clientele. Today “La Société Malienne de Blanchisserie” (...

I&P : Supporting African Entrepreneurship for 15 years
News | 17/10/2017  In 2017, Investisseurs & Partenaires is celebrating its fifteen years of activity. A good opportunity to reflect on the creation and evolution of this innovative project, always driven by the will to contribute to the emergence of a sustainable private sector in sub-Saharan Africa...

I&P participates at SOCAP 2017
News | 10/10/2017  David Munnich, Chief Operations Officer at I&P, participates from October 10 to 13th to the annual SOCAP conference, an event dedicated to increasing the flow of capital toward social good. A landmark event, SOCAP brings together thousands of impact investors, social entrepreneurs...

Nate Heller (PEG) participates to TedxPortBouet
Entrepreneurs | 09/10/2017  Nate Heller is the co-founder and director of PEG, a company specialized in the distribution of solar kits in West Africa. He participates on October 10 to the TedxPortBouet conference, gathering 14 speakers with a wide range of profiles (entrepreneurs, artists, journalists, athletes...

Must-read: last paper by Oxfam and Sumerian Partners on impact investing
Intelligence & Analysis | 06/10/2017  In April 2017 Oxfam and Sumerian Partners published a paper called “Impact investing: who are we serving?”. While impact investing is gaining visibility among policy makers and the investment community (see for example the article published by The Economist “Impact investing inches from...

15 lessons of experience from I&P’s first impact fund
News | 26/09/2017  15 years after its creation, Investisseurs & Partenaires publishes a short document reflecting on the successes, drawbacks and key lessons learned from its first impact fund: Investisseur & Partenaire pour le Développement (IPDEV).   Download the document  ...
