Portrait of Marcel Ouédraogo, founder of SIATOL
Entrepreneurs | 14/07/2015 Siatol is a young soybean processing company founded in 2010 by Marcel Ouédraogo. He worked ten years in the sector of soy production before devoting himself exclusively to Siatol, with the objective of developing new opportunities for small producers and strengthening the national...

New agribusiness investment in Madagascar
Entrepreneurs | 10/07/2015 Investisseurs & Partenaires welcomes a new company in its portfolio IPAE: the agribusiness company SCRIMAD, located in Madagascar. Visit their WebsiteThis is the third investment of the Fund I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs in Madagascar, after IOT (aquaculture) et ACEP Madagascar (...

IMF explores Africa's Demographic Dividend
Intelligence & Analysis | 08/07/2015   In the latest edition of the Regional Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund considers how Sub-Saharan Africa can harness the demographic dividend* in the 20 years to come. As infant mortality and fertility rates decline, the continent will indeed become the main...

Secteur Privé et Développement Proparco Investisseurs et Partenaires
Investisseurs & Partenaires shares experience on CSR issues in Africa
In The Press | 06/07/2015     PROPARCO just released its 21st quartely publication "Private Sector and Development". This issue focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Africa. As stated by Anne Pogham (CEO of the French Development Agency) in the introduction: "CSR represents a twofold...

3rd ESG & Impact Reporting of the Fund IPAE is released
News | 03/07/2015   For the third consecutive year, Investisseurs & Partenaires publishes its annual Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Impact reporting, conceived as a comprehensive review of its fund IPAE societal strategy. The document presents the methodology in terms of ESG policy...

FERDI Financer Développement Severino
J.-M. Severino et P. Baraton contribute to the book "Financing Sustainable Development"
Intelligence & Analysis | 02/07/2015The Ferdi (Foundation for International Development Research and Study) gathered the contributions of more than 40 authors, selected from amongst the leading international experts from the North and the South, in the newly released book "Financing Sustainable Development - Addressing...

CDS launches micro-credit for solar equipment in Mauritania
Entrepreneurs | 29/06/2015CDS, a compagny offering access to water and electricity services to rural population in Mauritania, has partnered with Djikké, a savings and credit mutual, so as to propose adequate solar equipment via microfinance solutions. The partnership will allow CDS to develop its activities in rural areas...

Nutrizaza Madagascar Investisseurs et Partenaires
A new tool to assess the practices of social businesses
Intelligence & Analysis | 24/06/2015   Investisseurs & Partenaires partnered with the working group led by CERISE to define what is a social business and to develop an analytical framework to asssess the practices of social businesses. The group has conducted a in-depth study on 9 social enterprises operating...

EVPA Investisseurs et Partenaires
EVPA Site Visit to Investisseurs & Partenaires
News | 23/06/2015 On the 23rd of June, several EVPA members gather in Paris for a site visit at Investisseurs & Partenaires. Twice a year, EVPA (European Venture Philanthropy Association) organizes site visits in one of its member organizations. These visits are conceived as an opportunity to look...

Ecosur Compensation Carbone Investisseurs et Partenaires
First intra-african transaction of carbon credits in West Africa
Entrepreneurs | 16/06/2015     The long-term rental company VRS, based in Ghana, is developing a strong environmental strategy thanks to a carbon and chooses to offset its carbon footprint with the support of Investisseurs & Partenaires and Ecosur Afrique, the leading carbon finance group in...
