Portrait of Folly Koussawo and Seydou Beye (TRIANON BTP)
Entrepreneurs | 27/04/2015   TRIANON BTP Gabon is a construction company created in 2012 by a young team of Gabonese professionals, Folly Koussawo and Seydou Beye. Both of them have been studying and working in France before returning back to Gabon to start TRIANON BTP. We have asked some questions to Folly...

GIIN investisseurs et partenaires
Impact investing under the spotlight: 3 new studies released
Intelligence & Analysis | 03/04/2015   Three recent reports, published by the OECD, the GIIN and Morgan Stanley, offer in-depth analyses of impact investing, defined by the Global Impact Investing Network as the ‘’investments made into companies, organizations and funds with the intention to generate social and...

After Ghana and Ivory Coast, VRS starts its activities in Senegal
Entrepreneurs | 02/04/2015Voltacars Rental Services (VRS) is a long-term car rental and servicing company, managing a fleet of 120 vehicles. Established in Ghana in 2003, the company progressively extends its activities and recently opened a new subsidiary in Senegal. By expanding its activities to other countries, VRS...

Sofamac completes the construction of its factory
Entrepreneurs | 17/03/2015Sofamac is a senegalese startup specialized in the production of terracota tiles and bricks. The company has completed the construction of its factory and started production at the beginning of the week, Monday 16th March 2015. Several orders are already under discussion.   Sofamac was...

Fides Microfinance Senegal opens a fourth agency
Entrepreneurs | 17/02/2015Fides Microfinance Sénégal opened, last January, a new agency in the city of Thiès, the third largest city of the country. The microfinance institution pursues its efforts to densify its network in the Northern and Western parts of Senegal.  Find out more on Fides Visit their website...

Monaco brings its support to the project IPDEV2
News | 16/02/2015 The Principality of Monaco, through its International Cooperation for Development, has decided to support the implementation of IPDEV2, with a donation of 428,000€. On January 23, Jean-Michel Severino and Olivier Lafourcade signed the Agreement between Monaco and IPDEV2. Read the press...

A very encouraging track record for the new solar pumps implemented by CDS in Mauritania
Entrepreneurs | 13/02/2015In March 2014, I&P partnered with the crowdfunding platform Kiva to fund a water access project, implemented by the Mauritanian company CDS. The new solar pumps have been implemented for more than six months now in the village of Wouloumbouni in Mauritania. As Kiva lenders receive their second...

“Impact Investing”, key issue of the 3rd Kusuntu-Orrick Africa Finance Conference
News | 12/02/2015Following the successful organization in November 2012 and November 2013 of two conferences dedicated to Africa Finance, Kusuntu-le-Club, Orrick Rambaud Martel and Investisseurs & Partenaires held on February 12th their third Africa Finance conference, developed this year around the key theme...

I&P celebrates opening of new office and 2nd investment in Ghana
News | 06/02/2015  On the occasion of CEO Jean-Michel Severino’s visit to Accra, I&P organized a launch event on Wednesday 4th February to mark the opening of its new office and the announcement of its second investment in Ghana. The opening of the new office demonstrates I&P’s commitment to...

J.-M. Severino and I&P Team wish you a Happy New Year!
News | 15/01/2015The whole I&P team is wishing you the best for 2015! A perfect time to review the main highlights of 2014 and outlooks for the coming year.>>Read our Newsletter   Some major achievements in 2014, to be pursued in 2015 IP Afrique Entrepreneurs (IPAE), our fund intended for...
