Sinergi Niger

SINERGI Niger is a local investment company which aims at the creation and development of small formal enterprises with investments from €30,000 to €75,000.
In Sub-Saharan Africa and particularly in Niger, SMEs have a little access to financial markets. Nevertheless, these are at the heart of the economic development and main job creation sources. The investment fund objective is to answer this strong demand by financing profitable projects with a strong social impact.
The team of Sinergi is managed by Djibo Ibrahima.
Graduated in engineering (Ecole Normale Supérieure des Mines in Alès), Djibo Ibrahima has always shown a burning interest towards entrepreneurship. He completed various trainings and studies in management, business administration and project management. He spent a part of his career at leading positions in various Nigerien groups (Shell Niger, Niger-Lait) and led numerous feasibility missions for mining projects and companies in Niger, in Burkina-Faso and Mali with an ever-green involvement towards Sahelian SME/SMI. From 1991 to 1997, he was in charge of Nigetip development, a World Bank project designed to support Nigerien SMEs in the building sector.
I&P is committed alongside SINERGI to:
• Recruit and train the managing team
• Set up a methodology for the selection and the deepened analysis of companies asking for financing
• Bring an exterior and experimented look in the investment choice
• SINERGI has already invested in more than 7 companies in Niger
• Through realized investments, about a hundred of jobs had been created.