Tech Innov is a nigerien company whose main activity is the promotion and marketing of technological solutions for agriculture and irrigation. Since its creation, it has developed a number of innovative solutions, which are part of the promotion of agricultural development.
Abdou Maman KANE is the founder and managing director of Tech Innov. A computer scientist by training, he has developed the concept of digital farms and tele-irrigation system tools in order to help the development of the agricultural sector in Niger. As a social entrepreneur, Abdou Maman KANE aims to revolutionize rudimentary agricultural practices in Niger, particularly in the areas of irrigation and watering. His goal is to provide farmers with tools to enable them to end manual watering and especially reduce water waste.
To promote its digital farm concept and its innovations, it has participated in many exhibitions and competitions where it has won prizes (1st prize at the Social Entrepreneur Competition in Africa organized by France Telecom, a medal at the Geneva International Inventions Fair in 2012 etc.).
SINERGI S.A. is a private investment company created in 2006 and supported by I&P with a group of key individual and institutional shareholders in the Nigerien and international SME support landscape. Headed by Ibrahima Djibo, its objective is to contribute to the economic and social development of Niger through the promotion of entrepreneurship and the development of SMEs. SINERGI S.A. provides the means for entrepreneurs in Niger to achieve their growth projects by providing long-term financing and local support. → Find out more about Sinergi
Investisseurs & Partenaires and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched in 2016 an innovative acceleration program for start-ups in Niger, Burkina Faso and Senegal. The partnership is designed to support high-potential start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises in order to facilitate their access to financing in a region where the ecosystem supporting entrepreneurship is still poorly developed. → Click here to find out more