Dakar American University of Science and Technology (DAUST) is a private higher education institution offering a 4-year engineering program, masterclasses dedicated to professionals in the sector and a "prep" program with international opportunities. The specialties taught are chemistry and biomolecules, civil and environmental engineering, electronic and computer engineering and finally mechanical and aeronautical engineering.
DAUST was founded by Sidy NDAO, a 38-year-old Senegalese born and raised in Dakar before going to continue his studies in the United States. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska and a post-doc from MIT, he is an engineer specialized in mechanics and robotics. He returned to Senegal in 2009 to engage in the promotion of STEMs (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) in Africa.
DAUST benefits from support through the I&P Acceleration in Sahel program dedicated to education and employment (IP2E). The funding and support will enable the university to increase its hosting capacity while attracting an international clientele.
- Increase its hosting capacity by 115%
- Move in a third classroom with a capacity of 30 students
- Deploy a marketing and communication campaign in about 20 African countries