
Sector of activity: Energy
Status: Investissement en capital
Entrepreneur: Rik Stamhuis
Country: Madagascar
A propos:


Jiro-Ve is a pioneering company in rural electrification in Madagascar, launched in 2014.

Jiro-Ve has come up with an innovative, inclusive micro franchise model to provide affordable and healthy lighting for marginalized communities. Its business model allows the company to rent out a rechargeable LED light for a price that is cheaper than candles or kerosene. For 250 Ariary per day (≈ 0,06 €) people get a fully charged light delivered to their doorstep, both incities and remote rural areas of Madagascar.

Jiro-Ve hires local entrepreneurs and uses existing networks, supporting and developing entrepreneurship.



Jiro Ve is managed by Rik Stamhuis, an entrepreneur of Dutch origin located in Madagascar since 2012.  He holds 48% of the company's capital.

Rik is a driven and energetic leader with years of experience working for social enterprises. Before founding Jiro-Ve, Rik worked in Kenya trying to find innovative ways of distributing renewable energy.




Thanks to funding from the program I&P Acceleration Technologies, Jiro-Ve plans to expand its activity, initially in Madagascar by distributing the new kits in larger quantities and targeting more regions.

The company aims to extend its offer to other regions of Africa later on.



⇒ Jiro-Ve aims to eliminate poverty by helping local entrepreneurs to have a better income.

⇒ Jiro-Ve's model allows the most disadvantaged consumers to access a source of energy that is less polluting, less dangerous and less expensive than petroleum lamps.

⇒ According to the studies carried out by the company, each lamp used would avoid the emission of 0.37 tons of CO2 per year.

⇒ This energy source also has a positive impact on the health and well-being of users, by reducing the toxic fumes emitted by the candles and kerosene lamps that most target customers currently use.


About I&P Acceleration Technologies

Launched in 2019 with the support of the French Development Agency through its iniative Digital Africa, I&P Acceleration Technologies is a €2.5 million program that aims to finance and support some fifteen digital startups in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on Western Africa, Central Africa and Madagascar. Click here to read more →


About Miarakap

Miarakap is the first impact fund dedicated to the financing and support SMEs and start-ups in Madagascar. Managed by Emmanuel Cotsoyannis, Miarakap is the fourth African fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires as part of its program I&P Development 2. The network currently includes impact funds specialized in SME-financing in Niger (Sinergi Niger), Burkina Faso (Sinergi Burkina), in Senegal (Teranga Capital) and Côte d'Ivoire (Comoé Capital). Click here to visit Miarakap's website →


In portfolio since: 2020

⇒ Site internet de l'entreprise

⇒ Page Facebook


Crédits photos © Heidi Yanulis Photography


Sector of activity: Energy
Status: Investissement en capital
Associed fund: IPAE 2
Entrepreneur: Ademola Adesina
Country: Nigeria
A propos:


Rensource is a distributed energy services company that delivers power and value-added services to SME clusters in Nigeria through ring-fenced, solar powered micro-utilities. In 2018, the company launched its first micro-utility project with financial backing from Paris-based NEoT Capital through its NEoT Offgrid Africa investment platform. The project is located at the Sabon Gari Market in Kano State and today provides clean, affordable and reliable energy to over 4,000 merchants, with an additional 8,000 set to go live by Q3 2019.


Rensource is Nigeria’s fastest growing provider of off-grid power. Over the next two years, the company seeks to rollout 11 additional micro-utility projects that have already been contracted and partially developed in some cases.



Ademola “Demmy” Adesina is a Nigerian entrepreneur with over 12 years’ experience across Africa, USA and Europe. He has focused on building or turning around early and growth stage enterprises for much of his career.

Ademola has led business development and corporate strategy for Aquifer, a London based investment company (Sainsbury Family Office). He joined Aquifer from the Rockefeller Foundation in New York, where he was a founding member of the Innovation for Development & Impact Investing initiatives that birthed the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN). Demmy began his career as an investment banker with JP Morgan.



I&P’s investment in Rensource aims to:

• Support the full deployment of additional micro-utilities to potentially reach over 200,000 end users in Nigeria by 2022



• Significant contribution to solving power crisis in Nigeria



In portfolio since: 2020


Sector of activity: Energy
Status: Investissement en capital
Associed fund: Teranga Capital
Entrepreneur: Abdou Wahab Kane
Employees: 5
Country: Senegal
A propos:


COGELEC ENERGY is an engineering company based in Dakar, Senegal. The company is present in electrical engineering and line construction works, rural electrification and distribution of electromechanical equipment.

COGELEC ENERGY is focused on bringing energy for productive uses to rural areas in Senegal for the greater benefit of the Senegalese population. Within rural electrification, COGELEC ENERGY focuses on providing the most economical energy possible for productive use in rural communities, with a particular focus on bore wells in remote locations.

COGELEC ENERGY’s clients include governments with whom they partner long term to provide electricity access and services for rural areas, as well as industrial companies looking for the most economical solutions to build conventional grid connections or using renewable energy.


The Entrepreneur

Cogelec Energy is managed by Abdou Wahab Kane.


Partnership with Teranga Capital

Teranga committed alongside with Cogelec Energy to:

• Support the expansion of the logistical equipment and the investments in human resources to strengthen its capacity to execute increasingly complex projects

• Support Cogelec Energy in elaborating and executing its strategy with a view to improving its organizational efficiency and promoting growth


Expected Impacts

• Extend electricity access and services to rural areas

• Increase the competitiveness and energy efficiency of Senegalese economic players and give them access to sustainable energy solutions

In portfolio since: 2017

PEG Africa

Sector of activity: Energy
Status: Sortie
Associed fund: IPAE 1
Entrepreneur: Hugh Whalan et Nate Heller
Employees: 179
Country: Ghana
A propos:

PEG Africa is a young company which aims to bring off-grid solar energy access to rural and peri-urban communities in West Africa by providing pay-as-you-go (PAYG) solar home systems to rural and remote customers. The company has started its activities in Ghana.


The model of the company is based on the combination of technical, distribution, and financial innovations:

  • Technical innovation: the product itself is a small solar kit allowing the client to light a few bulbs, recharge a phone, and listen to the radio. It is connected with the PEG management information system through mobile technology allowing the company to monitor remotely a number of items.  
  • Distribution: the company is setting distribution points with dedicated sales teams around the country.
  • Financial innovation: this is probably the most important innovation. The client is paying its solar system as he uses it through mobile money payment of a few Euros per month. If he doesn’t pay and recharge credit, the system is blocked and not usable by the client. After one year of payments, the client owns the product.

PEG has secured a licensing partnership with M-KOPA, the leading company in PAYG solar technology in Africa. M-KOPA has successfully deployed its products and methodology to more than 200,000 households in East Africa.


The entrepreneurs

Hugh Whalan, the CEO, has focused on energy and financing in West Africa for the last 6 years. He started the first crowd-funding site for energy, and a fast growing solar distribution company in Ghana, which he sold to a NY-based investor. Prior to his work in Africa, he was the director of business development for the largest US based carbon project developer.

Nate Heller, the Chief Operating Officer, has over 13 years of experience in international development, including stints with the UN, the Peace Corps, and multiple social enterprises. He spent 6 of those years building innovative distribution channels for poor consumers in West Africa.


Partnership with I&P

I&P committed alongside PEG to:

• Finance and support the company’s expansion drive in Ghana and the sub-region

• Help structure the business in its early stages and institute appropriate corporate governance

• Facilitate debt and grant capital fundraising for the company to meet its target objectives


Expected Impact

• Connect over 500,000 remote and rural households in West Africa to solar power within 5 years

• Create significant financial inclusion by making off-grid households into a knowable and attractive customer proposition

• Reduce carbon emissions by replacing traditional kerosene use with a cleaner source of power

• Grow local employment by partnering with large local sales teams to drive growth over multiple regions


In portfolio since: 2015


Sector of activity: Energy
Status: Sortie
Associed fund: IPAE 1
Entrepreneur: Mamadou Sanankoua
Employees: 85
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:

Conergies designs, engineers, installs and provides maintenance for air conditioning and industrial cooling systems.

The group gathers two subsidiaries in Mali (RICA Services) and in Côte d'Ivoire (ARIC). Being comfortably settled in Mali, the group plans on a large-scaled deployment in Côte d'Ivoire where the construction market remains globally depressed. Around 80% of Abidjan towers need restoration and virtually no investment were made in the past 15 years within the sector. The local offer needs a structuration force which RICA is able to embody.



Mamadou Sanankoua graduated in Mechanics Engineering from Polytechnique Montreal and in International Project Management from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce of Paris. His academic path thus combines technical and financial skills with business engineering experiences earned within great industrial firms (Schneider Electrics, Daikin Europe). He decided to take the lead in the family business then ran by his father in 2001 to pursue its leadership over the sub-region alongside with his brothers and a friend.



I&P has committed alongside with Conergies:

• To bring technical assistance resources needed to renew the Management Information System

• To support through marketing assistance and guide the company during its rebranding process

• To build up the governance



• A dozen jobs created in the new Ivorian subsidiary

• Awareness and expertise brought over efficient energy

• Health and security trainings for the employees


In portfolio since: 2012


Sector of activity: Energy
Status: Sortie
Associed fund: IPDEV1
Entrepreneur: Sidi Khalifou
Employees: 20
Country: Mauritania
A propos:


Created in 1980, CDS is a Mauritanian company involved in energy and water access for all and especially in the rural zones where the populations are deprived from this access.

Its activity is three-fold:

  • Public service delegation : water and electricity distribution in partnership with state and local authorities
  • Installment and maintenance for electro-mechanic works: potable water access, hybrid or solar systems, water treatment plants, network extension…
  • Distribution of water and electricity equipment working on renewable energies: solar heater, refrigerator, wind turbines, immersed pumps…)


CDS is one of the companies featured in the project Small is Powerful




Sidi Khalifou is graduated from Sup’Meca Paris where he volunteered at Engineer without Borders. He was a project manager for the GRET and for ECODEV an NGO he co-founded committed to local development and environmental issues in West Africa.

He joined CDS as a shareholder in 2007, then run by his father. He took the lead of the company in 2010.



I&P committed alongside with CDS

• To accompany the company’s development through additional public service delegations contracts

• To enable the company to sell and distribute equipment in rural areas



In partnership with CDS’ promoter, Sidi Khalifou, I&P sold its shares in 2016 to Engie Rassembleurs d’Energies and the Monaco-based impact firm SADEV. Both these partners will continue to support CDS in its development strategy and impact objectives.



• 20 jobs created (2015 data) 

• 30 800 households given access to drinking water, which represents close to 1,400 irrigation systems set up by CDS

• Water and electricity access equipment sold in 2015: 423 solar kits, 59 solar water heaters and more than 20 pump stations 

• 17 national suppliers 

• Enhancement of renewable energy-powered practices

• Private sector strengthening and Knock-on effect on the economic environment (agriculture, manufacture…)


In portfolio since: 2011-2016
Site Internet


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