Forna Health Foods

Sector of activity: Agro-food
Status: Investissement en capital
Entrepreneur: Angella Nabweteme, Hilary Bainemigisha
Country: Uganda
A propos:

Forna Health Foods is a female-founded and female-led social business that manufactures Aunt Porridge and Instapo!, healthy, nutritious (and delicious!) porridges that are targeted at helping weaning infants, children, breastfeeding mothers, immune-compromised patients (and even the entire family) access essential nutrition to thrive when they need it the most! 

Forna Health Foods are the makers of Aunt Porridge and its instant porridge version (Instapo!) – this essential breakfast staple and its 10+ ingredients are all-natural (no added preservatives), homegrown in Uganda (providing a market for 1,000s of smallholder Ugandan farmers) and are jam-packed with protein, vitamins and fibre (unlike single grain porridges made from millet or maize) to boost infant and child nutrition.


Partnership with Inua Capital

Inua Impact Fund has invested equity and mezzanine financing into Forna Health Foods to scale its reach nationwide and expand its ability to source farm produce from smallholder farmers across Uganda. 

Together with Inua Capital, Forna Health Foods will scale its product reach across the country and beyond, increase and improve its product offerings, further mechanize its production processes and make an indelible imprint on the health and nutrition of Africa’s children and families for years to come!

In portfolio since: 2024

Equator Chocolate

Sector of activity: Agro-food
Status: Investissement en capital
Entrepreneur: Gustav Gonget, Barbara Gonget
Country: Uganda
A propos:

Equator Chocolate is a paragon of artisanal mastery and distinction within Uganda’s chocolate landscape. Established in 2018, Equator Chocolate is a pioneer in adding value to Uganda’s cocoa (in place of exporting the raw commodity), buying cocoa from smallholder farmers in Uganda to manufacture dark, milk and white craft chocolate loved by local consumers and corporate kitchens alike, and customized for special occasions and premium brands across East Africa.

Equator Chocolate manufactures white, milk and dark craft chocolate from organic and sustainably-grown Ugandan cocoa. Equator’s chocolate is internationally award-winning, winning a bronze medal at the 2023 Agency for the Valorization of Agricultural Products (AVPA) International Gourmet competition in Paris.

Equator serves a wide range of customers: from hotels, lodges and high-end brands seeking to give their discerning clients a delectable taste of Uganda; to ethical consumers in export markets (predominantly Europe) where it retails with high demand; to bakers, chocolatiers, cafes and other corporate kitchens across East Africa whose products require high-quality chocolate; to local individual consumers that pick up an Equator Chocolate off the shelf to satisfy a craving or celebrate a special occasion. 


Partnership with Inua Capital

Inua Impact Fund has invested equity and mezzanine financing into Equator Chocolate to scale its production by over 3x and expand its ability to source cocoa from local smallholder farmers at a premium price. 

Inua’s investment in Equator Chocolate intends to put Ugandan chocolate on the map! (no pun intended)

In portfolio since: 2024

Inua Capital shares its experience at an event organized at the EU


Kim Kamarebe, CEO of the Ugandan impact fund Inua Capital, intervened last week in Brussels at an event organized by EDFI AgriFI, the EU-funded Agriculture Financing Initiative.

The event aimed to share insights on the use of EU blending instruments to unlock, accelerate and leverage sustainable agriculture finance by focusing on the example of INUA.


Interview with Kim Kamarebe and Maïmouna Baillet, Directors of Inua Capital and Sinergi


In this interview, Kim and Maïmouna, respectively Managing Directors of Inua Capital and Sinergi, and the first two women fund managers in the IPDEV 2 network, talk about the challenges and opportunities they face in their roles and in their countries, the place of gender in private equity and their goals and visions for entrepreneurship.



Sector of activity: Digital, Tech, Energy
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Douglas K. Baguma, David Tusuubira
Country: Uganda
A propos:

Innovex is a Ugandan company that has developed a smart meter coupled with an IoT solution that bridges the gap between solar energy providers/distributors and their last mile customers by giving the ability to remotely monitor, manage and turn on/off installed solar systems. This solution can be deployed in a variety of solar energy systems such as home systems, water pumps, cold chain storage and transportation systems, etc.


The entrepreneurs

Innovex was founded in 2015 by Douglas Baguma and David Tusubira with the purpose of creating technology equipment and solutions that remotely monitor the use and performance of off-grid solar energy.

Douglas K. Baguma has over six years of experience in the renewable energy industry and worked as a solar energy consultant on projects for the World Bank and the Center for Energy Conservation Research (CREEC) before establishing Innovex.

David Tusubira has accumulated extensive experience in several engineering fields, e.g., Internet of Things (IoT), automation, hardware, software development as Principal Investigator at iLabs@MAK at Makerere University (a Design, Art & Technology engineering college), where he conducted research projects and taught robotics (programming and basic electronics).


Partnership with I&P and Inua Capital

Innovex is supported by I&P Accélération Technologies, a €2.5 million program that aims to finance and support fifteen digital start-ups in Sub-Saharan Africa, supported by AFD through the Digital Africa initiative. In Uganda, Inua Capital is in charge of implementing this program.

This partnership will enable Innovex to: 

  • Scale its business model 
  • Expand its reach across Africa 
  • Diversify its product offering 

In portfolio since: 2022