Crémière du Sahel

Created in 2017, La Crémière du Sahel is a cheese dairy specialising in the processing of cow's milk.
Maimouna ZEINE founded La Crémière du Sahel. Holder of a Master 2 in management from the Mercure University of Brussels (Belgium), she received training in project engineering and the multi-actor partnership of CIEDEL in Lyon (France). She worked in several NGOs (OXFAM, PAM and IRD) before being trained by women transformers of Toukounous (Filingué) in 2017.
SINERGI S.A. is a private investment company created in 2006 and supported by I&P with a group of key individual and institutional shareholders in the Nigerien and international SME support landscape. Headed by Ibrahima Djibo, its objective is to contribute to the economic and social development of Niger through the promotion of entrepreneurship and the development of SMEs. SINERGI S.A. provides the means for entrepreneurs in Niger to achieve their growth projects by providing long-term financing and local support. → Find out more about Sinergi Niger
Investisseurs & Partenaires and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched in 2016 an innovative acceleration program for start-ups in Niger, Burkina Faso and Senegal. The partnership is designed to support high-potential start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises in order to facilitate their access to financing in a region where the ecosystem supporting entrepreneurship is still poorly developed. Click here to find out more