ESSECT Poincaré

The Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques Commerciales et de Technologies (ESSECT)-Poincaré was founded in 1966 and is a private higher education institution offering training in the industrial and tertiary fields. It has a total of seventeen programs in various fields such as management, hotel management, computer systems, tropical agriculture, etc.
ESSECT Poincaré is committed to giving young people access to education, regardless of their social and financial conditions, through a scholarship system.
In addition, the school wishes to boost the employability of young people. To this end, it has created the Cabinet de Formation, de Suivi et d'Insertion (CAFSI), a structure that assists students in finding internships and jobs through a partnership with 12 companies. In addition, the school encourages hands-on entrepreneurial activities with spaces dedicated to experimentation, including a web radio. Managed by communication students, GBÊKÊ FM focuses on education, culture, and health and provided distance learning during the COVID-19 crisis.
Alfred HAWMMOND, an entrepreneur with a passion for education, started a bookstore in the 1960s in addition to his teaching activities. In 1966, he founded the Commercial Institute (former name of ESSECT), which included a middle and high school before integrating programs dedicated to higher technical training, in the eighties. Founder member of the National Federation of Private Lay Institutions of Côte d'Ivoire (FENEPLACI) and the Union Patronale de l'Enseignement Supérieur Privé (UPESUP), he was named Chevalier of the Ordre National du Mérite by the Ivoirian government, in recognition of his commitment to the higher education sector.
Dr. Konan Marcellin KOUAKOU is the Director General of the Bouaké campus of the school since 2009. A graduate of the University Alassane Ouattara, he is also a lecturer, researcher, consultant and writer. Dr. Kouakou is at the origin of the school's radio (Radio GBÊKÊ FM) and the Orientation and Training Center.
Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P has committed to ESSECT Poincaré to:
⇒ Extend its hands-on programs, in particular through an experimental farm;
⇒ Reinforce its digitalization strategy by modernizing its equipment and extending the coverage area of its educational radio channel;
⇒ Set up of a financial support system (zero interest loan)
⇒ Promote entrepreneurship by financing graduates agricultural projects with a revolving fund
⇒ Build female student dormitory
⇒ Train the career center team
⇒ Improving the quality and relevance of education
⇒ Strengthen the local employability of young people
⇒ Enable young people, women, and vulnerable populations to access training that meets the needs of the Ivorian job market.
Since February 2021, I&P has partnered with Mastercard Foundation through its I&P Education to Employment initiative, a finance program aimed at improving access to relevant and quality education on the African continent. The partnership between I&P Education to Employment and Mastercard Foundation specifically aims to support 30 education entrepreneurs in 3 target countries (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Senegal) over 3 years. The partner companies receive funding and technical assistance to support them in their digital transformation, resilience, and growth strategy as well as in the implementation of social inclusion and employability measurement mechanisms.
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