Maximizing Social Inclusion: The Contribution of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to the I&P Education and Employment Program
Submitted by admin on Mon, 04/29/2024 - 12:25
Social inclusion is an essential pillar of development, aimed at ensuring that all individuals, whatever their origin or situation, participate in and have equitable access to educational and professional opportunities.
Social inclusion in the education system is one of the subjects at the heart of the I&P Education and Employment program (IP2E), deployed by I&P in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Senegal. I&P is working on this aspect in partnership with Catholic Relief Services (CRS), an international humanitarian organization, whose mission is Integral Human Development through the provision of emergency aid, the promotion of economic and social development, and advocacy for social justice in order to build strong, resilient communities and societies. As part of IP2E, I&P and CRS aim to improve access to better education, while promoting the social inclusion of vulnerable populations.
CRS has deployed a rigorous methodology to assess and strengthen social inclusion within 16 IP2E partner institutions. With structured steps ranging from institutional and student-level assessments to the development of upgrading action plans, CRS guides SMEs in the design of innovative mechanisms to promote greater access for disadvantaged students. In-depth institutional assessments and policy development workshops have helped to identify gaps at each institution, and to adopt concrete measures to fill them.
The success stories that have emerged from this partnership between IP2E and CRS demonstrate the tangible impact of efforts in the field on issues such as: inclusion of vulnerable and financially disadvantaged students, diversity and respect for difference, prevention of discrimination and harassment, gender mainstreaming within institutions, success for all...
In Senegal, educational institutions such as l'Université des Sciences de la Santé de Dakar (USSD), l'ISM Ziguinchor, le Centre d'Appui à l'Initiative Féminine (CAIF), l’Ecole Supérieure de Technologie et de Management (ESTM), l'Institut le Marmitons and PERFORM have benefited from individual capacity-building support. Thanks to CRS' expertise, these institutions have developed strong social inclusion policies, promoting access to quality education for vulnerable students regardless of social origin or gender. With the support of IP2E, initiatives such as social scholarship programs and personal development programs have been set up and have changed the environment of partner institutions. All these institutions, as part of their social inclusion strategy, are working to treat learners with dignity, to overcome gender barriers, female leadership, improve results and promote learning for all.
Perform - Senegal ©Tevin Lima-Agence Fënt, 2023
In Côte d'Ivoire, the IP2E-CRS partnership has helped to assess and strengthen institutional equity in educational SMEs such as l'Université des Lagunes, le Groupe COFE CESA, l’Institution Ivoirien de Technologie, le Groupe BOWL et le Groupe Ecole 2IAE. These evaluations have led to the development of inclusive policies following in-depth assessments of institutional equity, the establishment of comprehensive policies and staff training on important topics such as gender. In addition, fruitful collaborations with organizations such as Action Sociale and the Fire Department have strengthened the ecosystem of social, gender and financial inclusion.
Institut Ivoirien de Technologie ©Thomas Diego Badia-Lakali prod, 2022
In Ghana, CRS support for OpenLabs, CodeTrain, Garden City University College, Riohs College of Design et Knutsford University College (KUC) has led to the development of comprehensive accessibility and protection policies to promote a more inclusive educational environment. Initiatives such as gender training, coaching and mentoring have been successfully implemented, paving the way for students to be better prepared for the challenges of the world of work.
Codetrain, Ghana @ Michael Dakwa, 2022
CRS' commitment to the I&P Education and Employment program illustrates the importance of a strategic approach to promoting social inclusion in education and vocational training in Africa, as well as greater access and equity to quality programs and services. Through concerted efforts and strong partnerships, IP2E paves the way for new opportunities for vulnerable young people, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable future for all.