Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) is proud to announce the publication of the impact report of the I&P Education and Employment Programme (IP2E), an ambitious programme dedicated to improving access to quality education and reducing the gap between training and employment in West Africa. Launched in 2021, this programme has supported 30 companies in the education sector and reached more than 40,000 learners in Ghana, Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire.
Report: The impact of Private Educational companies on Youth Employability in Africa
Maximizing Social Inclusion: The Contribution of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to the I&P Education and Employment Program
Social inclusion is an essential pillar of development, aimed at ensuring that all individuals, whatever their origin or situation, participate in and have equitable access to educational and professional opportunities.

The creation of ASAFIN-IFPT Group stems from the desire of its founding members to support vocational training territorialization, while at the same time exporting the know-how of the ASAFIN model for the benefit of all young Senegalese.
This center has a strong social vocation and welcomes each year about 1000 young people from all over Senegal with 5 centers, in Dakar the capital, Keur Massar- Rufisque ( a capital’s suburb), and in 3 regions : Kaolack, Mbour and Maleme Hodar
ASAFIN was founded in Dakar in 1981 by Mr Alioune Badara Kane, who has several years of proven experience in vocational and technical training.
In 2020, the center was restructured by a group and is now led by Mr. Ngouda Fall Kane, the founder's son.
Mr. Kane, has a degree in economics and a BTS in management accounting. He held several positions within the group before becoming the Manager and Director of the ASAFIN-IFPT Group Center in 2020
The ASAFIN Group is supported by I&P as part of the Mastercard Foundation's Covid-19 Recovery and Resilience Program (CRRP).
Safeguarding: Rehabilitation of buildings, fire safety, installation of infirmary and individual safety equipment for learners
Digitization: Installation of a computer room
Employability: TA to improve career services, strengthen soft skills and a seed fund for self-entrepreneurship

YARANI is a private vocational training center founded in 1990 by the Association Of Education and Development – EDE
YARANI was created to support the advancement of women of all ages and all social conditions in society through professional qualifications. The school offers Vocational training and continuous training in Catering, hospitality, and Nurse Aid to only women. The school campus is located in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire.
The Entrepreneur
After 10 years in secondary education, Marie-Odile CACHIA joined Yarani in 1994 as General Manager.
She holds a BAC G2, a CPECF, a BTS in accounting, and many certificates (Psychopedagogy, Hotel Management, Digitization of Training Services, ...) over the last 16 years.
Partenership with I&P
Yarani is supported by I&P through the Mastercard Foundation Covid-19 Recovery and Resilience Program (CRRP).
Expected impacts
- Improve the quality of education of education with the development of short term train, acquisition of pedagogical equipment and the training of teacher
- Upgrade employability with the reinforcement of dual training, the training of the career center agents, and a technical assistance for the measurement of employability
- Provide scholarship program to support 25 women
- Improve resilience through the recruitment of a community manager and a marketing campaign

IASS MDB is a private vocational training school specializing in the field of health, which awards state diplomas enabling students to work in both private and public facilities. Its aim is to fill the gap in the number of health professionals in Senegal.
In 2023, the school has more than 500 students on its 3 campuses (Dakar, Louga, Touba)
The Entrepeneur
NdèyeSokhna DIENG, the eldest daughter of the founder has taken over the management of the school as the CEO.
Graduated in Business Administration, she has made her entire professional career within the school by occupying successively from 2001 to 2021 the position of secretary, cashier, accounting assistant, accountant, administrative and financial direct
Partnership with WITH I&P
IASS MDB is supported by I&P through the Mastercard Foundation Covid-19 Recovery and Resilience Program (CRRP).
Expected impacts
- Improve the quality of education with the rehabilitation of the Dakar annex campus, the installation of Dakar’s library, and the upgrading of practical room equipment
- Upgrade the digitalization through the Installation of an ERP platform at Louga and Touba campus and the upgrading of connectivity in Louga and Touba Campus
- Provide technical Assistance for upgrading carrier service
- Install Infirmary at Louga and Touba / upgrade of Dakar campus infirmary, and improve student health and safety
- Provide Scholarship program for 15 young Mame Diarra students at the Touba Campus
I&P releases its Annual Impact Report
I&P is thrilled to announce the release of its Annual Impact Report for the year 2023.
The report offers a comprehensive overview of I&P's activities, achievements, and impact throughout the year, showcasing the growth and transformational changes spurred by the organization's commitment to entrepreneurship in Africa.
The anual impact report notably covers an overall look at I&P's activities and a detailed review of our impact, following our 6 impact pillars
Unlocking Catalytic Capital for African SMEs: discover our new report
In a new report entitled “Using Catalytic Capital to Foster African Entrepreneurs in Underserved Markets,” published in partnership with the Catalytic Capital Consortium, I&P showcases the effectiveness of catalytic capital in supporting African SMEs, offering recommendations to expand its use.
How to support the acceleration phase of small businesses in the Sahel region : I&P publishes lessons from I&P Acceleration in Sahel’s mid-term evaluation
Since 2019 with the support of the European Union, I&P has been preparing small and medium-sized enterprises in the Sahelian sub-region for investment through the I&P Acceleration in the Sahel program. Three years after its launch, I&P is proud to present the first lessons of the program, identified following the mid-term evaluation carried out by Dalberg consulting firm.

The first campus of the EDHEC Group was opened in Abidjan, in 2003. Then, Bouaké and San Pedro campuses opened respectively in 2009 and 2012. EDHEC group offers Higher Education diplomas in the Industrial and Tertiary sectors.
One of the main objectives of EDHEC is to make education accessible to all. Therefore, the school has introduced a discount policy for students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds and who do not benefit from government scholarships. As a result, ~100% of their students receive each year a scholarship either from the government or the school.
Paul Dakuyo is the founder and the General Manager of EDHEC GROUP. He holds an MBA in Business Administration from the American Pacific University (1988), a DESS in Economic Diagnosis from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of Grenoble (1994), and a PhD in Business Administration from the Washington International University. After his studies, he returned to Côte d'Ivoire where he has been teaching for 38 years. Passionate about education, and willing to contribute to the decentralization of the educational system he decided to create the EDHEC Group in 2003, as well as NIMBA Consulting (in 2004), a training and placement firm.
Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with EDHEC Group to:
⇒ Improve the EDHEC IT Pack
⇒ allow all the students to have access to books by subscribing to a digital library that will be accessible on all the campuses through the IT rooms.
⇒ open a laboratory for a food processing program in San-Pedro
⇒ open an infirmary in San Pedro
⇒ improve equipment in the multimedia room equipment and internet connection
⇒ train career center agents
⇒ Boost the employability of young people
⇒ Improve the quality of training provision through the acquisition of new equipment and services