Lomé Business School

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Fulgence Amani et Patience Adjivon
Country: Togo
A propos:

Lomé Business School ( LSB) is a university offering training courses in Information Technology Management  and Business Management in Lomé, Togo. LBS opened  in 2013 with 13 students and has 117 students today. 30% of the students are coming from 8 countries in the West African sub-region, Cameroon and Gabon.


Born in Côte d'Ivoire, Fulgence Amani (CEO of LBS) studied in Côte d'Ivoire and in France. As a telecommunication engineer from ITES (Institut des Technologies et Spécialités), he worked as an IT engineer in Abidjan before continuing his studies in France where he got a master's degree in finance at SKEMA. After several years in IT Management in France at Total and Capgemini, he worked as an IT and Fintech consultant and worked with clients such as Orange Bank, Ernst & Young and Société Générale in Africa. For the past ten years, Fulgence Amani has also held teaching positions at USTA-Ouagadougou and ESSCA Paris in addition to his consulting activities before co-founding LBS with his wife, Patience Adjivon.

Marketing Director of LBS, Patience Adjivon holds a master's degree in R&D and Biotechnology from Paris VI. With a rich professional background on missions as a laboratory researcher in healthcare in France (Institut Jacques Monod, Institut Cochin, Sanofi, Pierre Fabre) and at Cap Gemini as a Fintech project coordinator, she co-founded LBS.


LBS is supported by I&P through education and employment component of I&P Acceleration in Sahel program (IP2E).

The funding and support provided to LBS aims to :

  • Set up an e-learning platform to digitalize a large part of the training program
  • Strengthen the pedagogical equipment of the school
  • Set up a pedagogical engineering process including aspects related to digitalization


  • Strengthen access to quality higher education in Togo
In portfolio since: 2021

Presentation of the feasibility study for the creation of a first impact fund dedicated to education in Africa

Presented exclusively in July 2019 at the Sorbonne, the feasibility study on education in Africa was published by the Fondation pour Études et Recherches sur le Développement International (FERDI). The conduct of this study is a key step in the implementation of the first impact programme dedicated to education and vocational training in Africa, I&P Education to Employment.


Centre d’Appui à l’Initiative Féminine (CAIF)

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Investissement en capital
Entrepreneur: Arame Dramé, Insa Seydou Dramé
Employees: 5
Country: Senegal
A propos:


The Centre d'Appui à l'Initiative Féminine (CAIF) is a vocational training centre specialising in catering, hotel trade, sewing, styling, and hairstyling.

Created in 2003, CAIF has since developed a strong expertise to offer its trainees, mainly young Senegalese women, good quality training adapted to the job market.



Mrs Arame Dramé is the founder of CAIF, which she directed from its creation until 2016. Today she remains active in the structure and uses her reputation and experience to have training contracts with institutional partners. Ms Dramé is an expert in educational issues and worked from 1989 to 2016 at the Institut National d'Etudes et d'Action pour le Développement de l'Education (INEADE) where she focused on vocational training and the issue of deschooling of young people in Senegal. She holds a DUEL 2 degree in English from UCAD and an Entrepreneurship Training Certificate from SODIDA.

Since 2016, the school is directed by Insa Seydou Dramé, son of the founder and promoter of the project. He decided to join the family business in 2012, where he successively held the positions of Interim Managing Director for 2 years, Director of Continuing Education and External Relations and Director of Operations. He previously worked for Huawei Technologies as a front office engineer. He holds a DEUG in Science and Technology for Engineering from the University of Paris 13, and a Professional Master from the African Institute of Management (IAM) of Dakar in Project Management.



Teranga Capital's investment aims to:

• Support strategic thinking on business expansion,

• Structure and develop management methods and tools,

• Put the company in contact with partner companies in Senegal and abroad



• Social: creation and formalisation of permanent jobs, affordable vocational training leading to a diploma for a young target group excluded from the traditional school system, integration of graduates into the professional world

• Governance: implementation of financial and administrative management tools, formalization of procedures.



In portfolio since: 2018
