Jackson College of Education

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Professor Ebenezer Jackson and Theodosia Jackson
Country: Ghana
A propos:

Founded in 2009, Jackson College of Education (JCE) is a teacher-training college that focuses on providing degree and diploma programs in education. JCE’s aim is to instill discipline and hopes for a brighter future in all, regardless of age, race, education, professional, social, and religious backgrounds and provide specialized education training and most importantly extend this training into underserved areas to improve education access.
JCE offers two major programs: Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), and a Post Graduate Diploma in Education, all via distance learning. JCE uniquely delivers a rare opportunity to beneficiaries to actively work while pursuing their academic ambitions with their distance or online learning modus operandi. Due to its mode of operation, Jackson College of Education utilises campuses of the regular colleges of education during the weekend period. The college meets students every fortnight either in an in-person class or in an online synchronous session.
Jackson College of Education is arguably one of the prominent private colleges of education amongst the eight (8) private colleges of education in Ghana. The relentless drive for quality and improvement continues to inspire it to provide top-of-the-range teaching and learning to produce world-class professionals. JCE students and graduates are highly considered in job and school applications. Jackson operates a distance learning program and has no permanent campus. The unique nature of this model has allowed them to build a presence in 13 regions, with 31 centers in 13 regions.
With multitudinous awards to their credits, JCE is locally and internationally recognized for business and educational excellence, quality, innovation, technology and leadership, among others.


Professor Jackson is the former Provost of the College of Engineering, KNUST an Electrical Engineer and a retired Associate Professor with over 40 years teaching experience at KNUST. He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. Degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, KNUST, Kumasi. PhD in Automatic Control, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. He has lectured and help develop curriculum for most Polytechnics in the country now (Technical Universities). He developed the first GPA and CWA software (grading software) for KNUST and other universities in Ghana.

Theodosia Wilhelmina Jacksonhas over 40 years of education experience in various capacities within the public sector and is still going strong in the private sector after her retirement, 15 years ago. She is particularly active in transforming lives of girls especially in prostitution and young teenage girls with children or pregnancies by training them in vocational and small enterprising skills to cater for themselves and their children. She pursued a 3-year specialist program in Agriculture at Bagabaga College of Education in Tamale.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with Jackson College of Education to:

purchase network routers with adequate internet data for all of its learning centres to help students access learning materials and tools.

provide scholarships to 160 vulnerable young women covering their tuition and the provision of one laptop device each.



Boost the employability of young people

Improve the quality of training provision through the acquisition of new equipment.

In portfolio since: 2023


Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Dame GUEYE
Country: Senegal
A propos:

Founded in 2015, Perform ISMA (Institut Supérieur des Métiers de l'Automobile et de l’Aviation) is one of the few private schools in Senegal specialized in automotive training. 
The institute includes a business school specializing in automotive trades, as well as a technical and vocational training center to capture all the potential demand from young people with CAP, BEP, BT and BTS diplomas in automotive and petroleum trades.
This pioneering school in the automotive sector is designed to fill the training gap in this sector, which is in great demand by companies. It is also aligned with government's goal to strengthen support for public and private technical and vocational training.
Perform’s missions are to:

Offer high-quality technical and vocational training for students and professionals in line with the real needs of the automotive and aviation sectors;

Contribute to the development of the human capital of companies and administrations operating in the automotive and aviation sectors;

Participate in research and innovation for the development of the automotive and aviation sectors.

The school is recognized for its compliance with education sector regulations, the specialization of its training offer, the quality of its training, and its relations with professional players both nationally and internationally. Perform operates in a fast-growing market with high demand for technical training, especially in specialized fields.
They offer accessible tuition fees with scholarships granted to the most vulnerable to reintegrate all these young people who have dropped out of school, generally from disadvantaged families. This opportunity is offered with a high standard of training quality, based on a practice rate of around 70%, and a major objective: to mobilize all the school's energies for the professional integration of students and graduates.
To achieve this, students need to be close to the training offered, with an appropriate learning environment using modern tools.



Dame GUEYE holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the Institut Supérieur de Management ISM Dakar, followed by a rich career in the tobacco (Philip Morris and British American Tobbaco) and the automotive (Volkswagen Senegal, CFAO, Mercedes and CCBM) industries, he founded Perform. Through Perform, he wants to bring innovation to technical education and vocational training in Africa, in a spirit of creativity and prospective.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with Perform to:

Purchase technical equipment for practical works

Improving hybrid mechanics learning

Update IT equipment

Grant scholarships to 15 young women for courses in the technical fields

Implement a student's safeguarding policy and improve safeguarding services (infirmary, security, washrooms, etc)



Boost the employability of young people

Improve the quality of training provision through the acquisition of new equipment and introduction of new subjects

Riohs College of Design

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Richard Ohene Sika
Country: Ghana
A propos:

Riohs College of Design (Riohs) was founded in 2010 as a creative art service provider and training company in Accra. Riohs equips students with the necessary skills in fashion design and illustration after 6 months of training. Riohs started from humble beginnings offering training to a small number of students. Subsequently, an open studio was set up in a one-bedroom apartment. The institution then moved to a three-bedroom apartment as the number of students increased. Riohs wants to be known as the center that transforms lives, giving opportunities and skills and encouraging the expression of creativity under the guidance of professional artists. Over the years, Riohs has nurtured the skills of many creators who have established their brands in Ghana and West African countries especially Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Liberia, and Togo.



Prior to entrepreneurship, Richard Ohene Sika was a fashion design instructor and talent manager. He taught in different fashion schools. Richard has a passion for teaching and fashion and this would lead to a remedial course where he would tutor students who required additional help. Thanks to his skills and worthwhile tutoring, the number of students grew from one to five, and then ten through word of mouth and referrals. Richard did not charge students for extra lessons, instead, he asked them to donate. The impact he generated far outweighed the monetary rewards for him.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with Riohs College of Design to:

Set up a digital studio and introduce a new course called Digital Fashion which would enable students to illustrate digitally.

Give the learning center a facelift and replace old and inefficient domestic sewing machines with 50 industrial sewing machines.

Complete the development of an application for online learning.

Develop a career framework and training for two staff members.



⇒ Boost the employability of young people

⇒ Improve the quality of training provision through the acquisition of new equipment.

In portfolio since: 2023

Institut International des Affaires en Entrepreneuriat (2IAE)

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Séraphin Koua
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:

The Institut International des Affaires en Entrepreneuriat (2IAE) is a Grande Ecole founded in 2006 and has five campuses in Côte d'Ivoire: Abidjan (Cocody and Yopougon), Yamoussoukro, Mbatto and Azaguié.
The school offers courses focusing on the industrial sector (agricultural production and civil engineering), with a high proportion of practical courses offering students excellent employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. For example, the agricultural programs feature facilities such as a fish pond, a farm and several experimental plots.
Entrepreneurship is at the heart of 2IAE training. All students enrolling at the 2IAE, whatever their program, receive entrepreneurship courses. In addition to promoting self-employment, the founder partners with national and international institutions (Office International des Migrations, European Union, Agence Emploi Jeune) to set up programs where students with vulnerable profiles receive short-term training with many practical courses to help them integrate into the workforce.



Séraphin Koua is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for agriculture. His vision is that entrepreneurship is one of the surest ways for African countries to solve the problem of poverty and unemployment. His aim is to train young Ivorians in self-employment and contribute to the country's socio-economic development.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with 2IAE to:

⇒ Improve the quality of teaching by diversifying experimental plots and equipping practical rooms for biochemistry, electronics and agri-food courses, and acquiring books for its libraries for the Azaguié, Yopougon, Yamoussoukro and Mbatto campuses.

⇒ Enhance the digital skills of students at Mbatto and Azaguié by equipping multimedia rooms for e-learning and improving the internet connection.

⇒ Improve student employability by training career center agents in best practices for professional integration.

⇒ Improve campus safety by helping the school implement a new safety process (evacuation drill) across all campuses.



⇒ Strengthen young people's employability

⇒ Improve the quality of training provision through the acquisition of new equipment

In portfolio since: 2023

Groupe Bowl

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Jean-Paul Dodo
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:

Founded in 1996, Groupe Bowl is a Grande Ecole and a technical and vocational training school offering higher education, vocational training, and training courses in the tertiary and industrial sectors.  The Bowl Group has eight campuses across Côte d'Ivoire: Abidjan (Cocody, Marcory, 2 in Yopougon), Bouaké, Dabou, Daloa and San Pedro.
Vocational training at the Group's Bowl attracts a large number of students because of the type of programs offered (cashier, care assistant, medical delegate) and the school's good integration rate (100% of students get an internship after their training and 61% of trainees get a job - 2021 data) thanks to the many partnerships they have with recruiters (+250 partnerships). From the start, the Bowl Group has understood that practical training leading to qualifications represents a fundamental factor of competitive distinction and professional recognition for young people and companies alike. That's why our training programs place practical experience at the core of learning. The majority of Groupe Bowl students are women (75% of women enrolled for the 2022-2023 academic year).



A graduate in export sales engineering, Jean Paul Dodo is also C.I.M. certified (Chartered Institute of Marketing in London). In 1996, in association with university friends, he set up a small business offering home tuition to children in the French collège and lycée system. However, to cope with the drop in business due to the socio-political crisis in Côte d'Ivoire in 2002, they decided to diversify their activities by introducing vocational training. In 2002, Group Bowl was accredited by the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training to provide vocational training. At the same time, he has been a trainer in marketing and stock management, a software product manager and president of the Coordination des entreprises privées de formation professionnelle de Côte d'Ivoire (CCPFP-CI).



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with Group Bowl to:

⇒ Improve the quality of education with the acquisition of teaching materials and the installation of a multimedia room for digital practice.

Reinforce well-being and safety on campus by building a canteen and an infirmary on the Daloa campus



⇒ Strengthen the employability of young people

⇒ Improve the quality of training provision through the acquisition of new equipment

In portfolio since: 2023

2nd Image International Skills College

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Nikki Phillipa Kuenyefu
Country: Ghana
A propos:

2nd Image International Skills College (2nd Image) was founded in 2000. 2nd Image offers short vocational training courses, higher national diplomas and certification programs in the fields of beauty, hairdressing and fashion design. 2nd Image is authorized to administer the International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC) exams, a certification which offers students the possibility of finding employment abroad. The school has 3 campuses across Ghana, in Accra, Kumasi and Denu.



Nikki Phillipa Kuenyefounder, a biochemist by profession, moved to Ghana from the UK, where she owned a hairdressing salon, in 1984. After identifying an opportunity in the beauty and wellness sector, she founded 2nd Image, a beauty and wellness company, in 1986. To meet the growing demand from professionals, she developed an apprenticeship system based on practical training, which was formalized with the creation of 2nd Image.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with 2nd Image to:

⇒ Improve the quality of education by acquiring 30 computers and setting up an electronic library.

Boost the employability of young graduates, with the help of an expert to support the development of the alumni network and the setting up of a career service.

 Support 50 female students with scholarships and business start-up kits after graduation.



Boost the employability of young people

⇒ Improve the quality of training provision through the acquisition of new equipment.

⇒ Enable 50 young women from disadvantaged backgrounds to access appropriate training through a scholarship scheme

In portfolio since: 2023

Centre International de Formation Pratique (CIFOP)

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Ibrahima GUEYE
Country: Senegal
A propos:

The Centre International de Formation Pratique (CIFOP) is the largest community development project of a lay Scout association called "Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs du Sénégal" (EEDS). Launched in 1988 in partnership with the Association des Guides et Scouts du Luxembourg, CIFOP is located in Mboro (Niayes region, about 100 km north of Dakar).
A community development project of a lay scout association called "Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs du Sénégal" (EEDS). Founded in 1988 in partnership with the Association des Guides et Scouts du Luxembourg, CIFOP is located in Mboro (Niayes region, about 100 km north of Dakar).

The ambition of CIFOP is to train qualified technicians and workers, fully operational at the end of the training. This is why CIFOP provides practical training in connection with the most sought after skills on the local job market.
CIFOP currently has ten training sections: agroecology, construction, locksmithing, car mechanics, woodworking, ceramic pottery, hairdressing, sewing and pattern making, multimedia and sanitary plumbing. 
The majority of the students enrolled come from low-income families so the CIFOP places great emphasis on social inclusion to facilitate the educational path of young people.



The center is run by Ibrahima GUEYE, a lawyer by profession.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with the CIFOP to:

 Improve the quality of education through the digitalization of the educational offer and the acquisition of suitable computer equipment,

 To provide students with an e-learning platform

 Promote entrepreneurship with the launch of a fund to finance graduate projects ;

 Renovate the accommodation and sanitary structures



⇒ Improved educational quality and relevance

⇒ Increased youth employability

In portfolio since: 2022

JACCD Design Institute Africa

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Joyce Ababio
Country: Ghana
A propos:

The JACCD Design Institute Africa was established in 1993 as Vogue Style. 
JACCD DIA's mission is to prepare and train emerging talent for design excellence by stimulating disruptive innovations, developing interdisciplinary and collaborative projects, and driving the creative economy. The institution's pillars are youth development, support for the needy, business excellence, and entrepreneurship.

JACCD provides training in fashion design, graphic design, animation, film/television, interactive design/game development, visual effects, fine art, textile design, and photography.



Joyce Ababio graduated from Texas Women's University with a degree in fashion and design, after which she worked in the fashion industry in the United States until her return to Ghana in 1993.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with the JACCD Design Institute Africa to:

Implement a scholarship assistance program to support 28 vulnerable students

Implement a student safeguard policy



⇒ Reinforcing social inclusion

In portfolio since: 2022

Les Marmitons

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Sidy Dieme
Country: Senegal
A propos:

Les Marmitons is a technical institute for training in the gastronomy, hotel and tourism professions located in Dakar, Senegal. The institute, created in 2006, offers training in BEP, CAP, DEP, DQP and DTS1.  It has 2 campuses, a main building located in Castors and an annex located in Dieupeul.

This training institution is part of the strategy initiated by the Senegalese government since the reform of 2000, which aims to strengthen support for public and private technical and vocational training. Les Marmitons has one main objective: to reinforce employability and social inclusion.

Convinced that the employability of young people goes through a practical learning, the institution has opened a restaurant-bar and has equipped kitchens on each campus, in order to offer training combining theory (30%) and practice (70%). The institution has also concluded more than 30 partnerships with renowned hotels and restaurants in the capital (King Fahd Palace, Terrou Bi Hotel, Fleur de Lys Hotel, etc.) and in the regions.



With his passion for cooking and his diploma from the National Hotel and Tourist School (ENFHT), Sidy DIEME, has worked as a cook in many hotels (Cap Casa, Cabrousse, Novotel, Terrou-bi...) and for eminent personalities. Strong of his experience and eager to transmit his knowledge, he founded in 2006, the Training School Les Marmitons which will become the Institute Les Marmitons in 2021.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with the Institut Les Marmitons to:

Upgrade the technical equipment in the practical room

Strengthen the scholarship program

To install a pastry workshop

To provide a computer room and improve connectivity

To conduct a study on the application of an e-learning system

To enhance campus security and train students in emergency situations by the fire department.

To implement a student safeguard policy.



⇒ Strengthen the students' employability and social inclusion

⇒ Improve the training quality through the acquisition of new equipment


In portfolio since: 2023
