I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2
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About IPAE 2
As the successor fund of I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 1, IPAE 2 continues and deepens the impact mission of Investisseurs & Partenaires and promote the emergence of a new generation of responsible African entrepreneurs.
IPAE 2 aims to invest in equity and quasi-equity as a minority shareholder in 30 to 40 startups and businesses located in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Ocean, and thus contribute to building a sustainable and productive private sector. IPAE 2 also aims to create an investment hub in East Africa, by opening a new office in Nairobi.
IPAE 2 is a generalist fund that targets a large range of sectors that significantly contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): agri-business, health, construction industry, renewable energy, microfinance, industry, B2B products and services, etc.
IPAE 2 portfolio
IPAE investment team

Alioun Badara Sane

Ando Annette

Anna Traoré

Ben Kouakou
Ben Kouakou

Ben Kouakou joined I&P in 2021 and is operating as Investment Director for the funds I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs (IPAE 1 and IPAE 2).
Fitia Fonenantsoa
Fitia Fonenantsoa

Fitia joined I&P Madagascar's investment team as a Investment Officer in December 2021 and is in charge of developing new investments and monitoring the investment portfolio of IPAE in...

Francis Owusu
Francis Owusu

Francis joined the team in 2018 and operates as Investment Director in the Accra office. He manages the activities of IPAE 1 and IPAE 2 in Ghana and Nigeria.
Mialy Ranaivoson

Ny Andraina Andriamanantena

Oty Kévin Aie

Rasmey Chhun
Rasmey Chhun

Based in Dakar, Senegal, Rasmey holds the position of Investment Manager.
With over 7 years' experience in SME financing and the design of financial mechanisms dedicated to SMEs in...

Shino Grivel
IPAE 2 governance
IPAE is governed by 2 bodies, the Investment Committee and the Extra-Financial Committee.
I&P team can count on the support of high-level advisors with extensive experience in: macroeconomic issues, geopolitics and African politicas, financial and legal structuring, information systems, project management, branding, microfinance, bank relations...
The Investment Committe will be regularly consulted for its opinion on every investment or divestment proposal related to I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2.
It is composed of:
- Olivier LAFOURCADE, Chairman of IPDEV Board
- Luc RIGOUZZO, Executive President of Amethys Finance
- Hervé SCHRICKE, President Club Afrique, AFIC
- François WOHRER, CEO of Degroof Petercam France
- Carole RAMELLA, Managing Director of GFA Consulting LTD
- Cheick SANANKOUA, Managing Director of HC Capital Properties
An extra-financial committe is composed of independent members and is regularly consulted. Its role includes the review of the extra-financial policy and its specifi goals, and of the annual ESG and impact assessment.
It is composed of:
- Swaady MARTIN, Founder and Chairman of Ysawara
- Mariam DJIBO, Principal of Adenia
- Pascale DATTIN, ESG Consultant
- Farid BADDACH, Executive Director of BSR
Last IPAE 2 news
![]() I&P publishes its Annual Impact ReportNews | 13/12/2022 I&P is pleased to present its Annual Impact Report, that presents the collective results of our different programs and funds. The report presents an overview of I&P's activities and impact methodology and goes through our six impact pillars : developing Africa entrepreneurship... |
![]() « Ce fonds privé qui fait grandir les PME africaines » : An article from Anne Cheyvialle on I&P for Le FigaroIn The Press | 12/01/2023 In this article from Le Figaro, Anne Cheyvialle describes the rise of the Burkinabe agricultural processing company Agroserv, now the leading player in the maize value chain in Burkina Faso and on its way to becoming one of the most important players in West Africa, and how I... |
![]() AgroServ raises €12.2 million from I&P, Oiko Credit and other partnersEntrepreneurs | 15/12/2022 Oikocredit and Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P), with the support of BIO and EDFI AgriFI, are investing €12.2 million in AgroServ, a Burkinabe maize processing company created in 2013 by Siaka SANON, to support its development projects. Oikocredit and I&P, through... |
![]() "Manifesto for the financing and support of entrepreneurship in Africa"News | 27/10/2022 As I&P celebrates its 20th year of activity, the team is pleased to present its "Manifesto for the financing and support of entrepreneurship in Africa. Based on 20 years of learning, entrepreneurial adventures, successes as well as failures and challenges, this manifesto aims to... |
![]() I&P presents the annual ESG Impact reports of the IPAE 1 and IPAE 2 fundsNews | 29/08/2022 2022 marks the twentieth anniversary since the creation of I&P. These 20 years of funding and advocating for African entrepreneurship have constantly strengthened our convictions about the importance of relying on a responsible private sector to contribute to Africa's development. The... |
![]() PORTRAIT entrepreneur : Siaka Sanon, CEO of Agroserv IndustrieEntrepreneurs | 12/07/2022 Agroserv Industrie, the latest investment realized by the I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2 (IPAE 2) funds, is a company specializing in maize transformation and commercialization in Burkina Faso. This is a good opportunity to look back on the journey of Siaka Sanon, at the head of the... |
![]() I&P welcomes a new company in its portfolio: DELTA SA, SenegalNews | 08/07/2022 Investisseurs & Partenaires, through its fund I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2 (IPAE 2), is announcing a new equity investment: DELTA SA, a Senegalese company specialized in the sanitation and construction sector. I&P is carrying out its 10th equity investment in Senegal. ... |
![]() "Lead Campus - Sustainable Leadership In Africa'': Mialy Ranaivoson and Job Zongo complete their journeysNews | 08/07/2022 Mialy Ranaivoson and Job Zongo, respectively Investment Director of the IPAE fund and Managing Director of Sinergi Burkina, graduate with their "Lead Campus: sustainable leadership in Africa" 2022 executive certificates. The closing ceremony of this second class,... |
![]() Newsletter of April - May & Edito by Carole RAMELLANews | 10/05/2022 The April-May 2022 Newsletter is available! The newsletter notably contains: ⇒ An editorial signed by Carole Ramella, Managing Director of GFA Consulting and member of the IPAE 2 Investment Committy ⇒ A review of the latest IPAE 2 fund investments (HerI in Madagascar... |
![]() IPAE 2 fund continues its deployment and welcomes three new companies in its portfolioNews | 26/04/2022 During the first quarter, the I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2 (IPAE2) impact fund stood out for its active investment pace, welcoming three new companies with high growth potential into its portfolio in the space of a few months, in Côte d'Ivoire and Madagascar. The IPAE 2 portfolio,... |