Formation | Impact investing: essential tools for developing projects
Submitted by admin on Thu, 10/24/2024 - 13:06
Every year since 2017, I&P has offered a 2.5-day professional training course dedicated to impact investing and featuring high-level experts from French and African impact funds.
The training is structured to encourage the presentation of concrete case studies and the personal reflection of participants.
This high-level training program brings together leading French-speaking experts from the worlds of business and academia.
Conceived as an overview of impact investing, it aims to facilitate the setting up of projects by private or public players and/or to enrich more traditional modes of financing.
Focused on professional practice, it offers each auditor :
- Keys to understanding impact investing, the challenges facing the sector and its stakeholders
- Immersion in concrete projects through an in-depth study of 2 pioneering impact funds, with testimonials from their managers
- Essential tools for developing impact investment projects , through a practical case study of how to set up an impact investment vehicle.
The course is aimed at senior executives from a wide range of backgrounds who wish to set up projects in the sector or within its ecosystem: consultants, multinational sustainable development managers, national or local elected representatives, foundation or family office managers, senior French or international civil servants, professionals involved in the impact investment ecosystem, financial and microfinance sector executives, managers of organizations engaged in public-private partnerships, researchers, etc.
- Dates : January 15 - 16 - 17, 2025
- Location : Paris, France
- Cost : 2,500 excl. tax - including tuition and lunch (sliding scale if several participants)
- Registration : Registration form or email