I&P strenghtens its health insurance policy for IPAE portfolio


In order to improve the health insurance policies implemented by its partner companies, I&P has developed a support program, with the financial and operational contributions of FISEA (Proparco). The support program will be ensured by the Ivorian consulting firm Afrik Assur, represented by Max de Font-Réaulx.



ANDE Meeting in Accra: a collaborative platform for SGBs


On March 17 in Accra, Ghana, the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) presented the MBC Africa Collaborative Platform for Small and Growing Businesses.

West Africa’s SGB sector gathered to watch promising Ghanaian agribusinesses pitch their ventures in a competition, and to learn about new research and practices from ANDE’s Executive Director, Randall Kempner, and impact investing organizations, among which I&P, The GIIN and Acumen. Baafour Otu-Boateng and Emilie Debled from I&P both partiticipated to the event.


Launch of Teranga Capital, first impact fund dedicated to Senegalese SMEs


Teranga Capital is the third African fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires. The fund has been officially launched on March 15 in Dakar, in presence of its director Olivier Furdelle, the shareholders and I&P team.


On this occasion, I&P and Teranga organized a round table and a launching event gathering several actors dedicated to the development of entrepreneurship in Senegal.


Impact Measurement at I&P: an in-depth case study published by EVPA

The European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) publishes two in-depth case studies on impact measurement, based on the practice of two of their members: Investisseurs & Partenaires and Reach For Change, a Swedish grantmaker and incubator operating worldwide.


ANDE discussion in Accra with Baafour Otu-Boateng and Sebastien Boyé

The West African Regional Chapter of ANDE (Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs) is hosting on December 11 in Accra (Ghana) a roundtable meeting to discuss the topic ''how to scale clean energy adoption?" to examine the challenges and opportunities for the ecosystem that supports entrepreneurial solutions to clean energy adoption.


The discussion included participants from various stakeholder interests: investors, capacity builders, talent managers, accelerators, entrepreneurs and corporates.


Jean-Michel Severino presents the project Small is Powerful to international development students



The Foundation for International Development Study and Research (Ferdi) is organising a conference on African entrepreneurship, alongside a photography exhibition on the project ‘’Small is Powerful”. Jean-Michel Severino, President of Investisseurs & Partenaires, and Joan Bardeletti, the photographer of the project, both participate to present the main issues at stake to the students


More information on the Ferdi’s website ►




Plead the case for African entrepreneurship: a key component of I&P's impact policy


The team of I&P sends you their best wishes for 2016!

Jean-Michel Severino, President of Investisseurs & Partenaires, signs the editorial of the newsletter of January, reflecting on the highlights of 2015 and the perspectives to come in 2016. He notably underlines the importance of our advocacy projects: plead the case of African entrepreneurship is a key componant of our impact policy, to demonstrate that it is not only possible but extremely relevant to support the small and medium enterprises of the continent.


Launch of Sinergi Burkina, new financing opportunity for Small Enterprises in Burkina Faso


Officially launched on February 5 in Ouagadougou, Sinergi Burkina is a new fund dedicated to small growing businesses and start-ups in Burkina, sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P).

Its objective: address the financing needs of local entrepreneurs and encourage them in the implementation of their project.




The first Burkinabe fund dedicated to Small Growing Businesses

