Unlocking Catalytic Capital for African SMEs: discover our new report


In a new report entitled “Using Catalytic Capital to Foster African Entrepreneurs in Underserved Markets,” published in partnership with the Catalytic Capital Consortium, I&P showcases the effectiveness of catalytic capital in supporting African SMEs, offering recommendations to expand its use.



Newsletter n°42: review of an eventful quarter


An eventful second quarter for I&P and its partner funds! In this edition of our newsletter, you will find : 

Focus on: the 9th Annual Entrepreneurs' Seminar, which brought together 60 African entrepreneurs;


Release of the Newsletter n°41, with an interview of the first two women fund managers of the IPDEV2 network


The Newsletter n°41 is available ! Contents:

Cross Interview with Maïmouna Baillet, Director of Sinergi, and Kim Kamarebe, Director of Inua Capital. 

Meeting with Samy Chalier and Ando Randriamalalaharison of HERi Madagascar

A look back at the latest news from I&P's portfolio

Successful fundraising for Miarakap and Comoe Capital and more.


I&P selected as an Emeritus Manager in the ImpactAssets-50 2023 ranking


Selected for the ImpactAssets 50 ranking, I&P is pleased to join once again this year's "Emeritus Manager" category, which includes impact funds that have achieved IA 50 recognition for at least 5 years and have consistently demonstrated their commitment to generating positive impact. 

I&P is positioning itself alongside other "Emeritus Managers" in 2023, such as ACCION International, Bamboo Capital Partners, Calvert Impact Capital, Capria Ventures, LeapFrog Investments and Root Capital. 


Promoting the business climate: I&P gathers SME support structures in Cotonou

From January, 31st to February, 3rd, I&P organized a regional meeting in Cotonou, Benin, for a training seminar aimed at strengthening the skills of stakeholders in the entrepreneurial ecosystem (accelerators, incubators, public and private intermediaries) and thus promote the development of an SME-friendly environment.








Our best wishes for 2023

We are pleased to share with you the first newsletter of this year 2023, including the latest news from I&P, its partner funds and portfolio. And we'll go into a little more detail about the launch of the Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund, a major initiative for our entire sector.

In this newsletter : 


I&P publishes its Annual Impact Report


I&P is pleased to present its Annual Impact Report, that presents the collective results of our different programs and funds.

The report presents an overview of I&P's activities and impact methodology and goes through our six impact pillars : developing Africa entrepreneurship, creating decent jobs, providing SDG-aligned goods and services, promoting women's empowerment, strengthening the local economic fabric and fostering environmentally-friendly development.


« Ce fonds privé qui fait grandir les PME africaines » : An article from Anne Cheyvialle on I&P for Le Figaro



In this article from Le Figaro, Anne Cheyvialle describes the rise of the Burkinabe agricultural processing company Agroserv, now the leading player in the maize value chain in Burkina Faso and on its way to becoming one of the most important players in West Africa, and how I&P, through its various financing and support vehicles, has contributed to this growth.


