
La société TRAINIS, créée en 2008 par Daouda Coulibaly, propose des formations généralistes de haut niveau en management.
TRAINIS, founded in 2008 by Daouda Coulibaly, offers general high-level training in management. These courses are concentrated on one to three weeks and led by a panel of African or European training experts. TRAINIS responds to a strong need for training among African executives who want to get in line with international standards. In a context of openness to globalization, these managers are looking to accelerate their careers hitherto hampered by basic training deemed insufficient.
Daouda Coulibaly went to school in Mali before getting a scholarship to study in France. Parallel to his university studies in geography, he was self-taught in IT and created one of the most visited African websites. On his return to Mali, he created a company in the field of computing. This resale business equipment led him to measure a high demand for high-level computer courses. He decided to gap the demand with computing trainings. He then diversified into provision of international management seminars with higher added value. He mobilized high quality trainers around general management training on topics such as project management, HR, and strategic management.
I&P is committed alongside TRAINIS:
• Identifying influencers and prospects of different "product lines" of trainings
• Participating in the strategic development plan over 3 years
• Providing support to the design and formalization of the communication policy of the company
• Creation of a sub-regional player in professional training aimed at African executives
• 15 jobs maintained in 2015, including 30% of women
• 15 local suppliers