Institut International des Affaires en Entrepreneuriat (2IAE)

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Séraphin Koua
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:

The Institut International des Affaires en Entrepreneuriat (2IAE) is a Grande Ecole founded in 2006 and has five campuses in Côte d'Ivoire: Abidjan (Cocody and Yopougon), Yamoussoukro, Mbatto and Azaguié.
The school offers courses focusing on the industrial sector (agricultural production and civil engineering), with a high proportion of practical courses offering students excellent employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. For example, the agricultural programs feature facilities such as a fish pond, a farm and several experimental plots.
Entrepreneurship is at the heart of 2IAE training. All students enrolling at the 2IAE, whatever their program, receive entrepreneurship courses. In addition to promoting self-employment, the founder partners with national and international institutions (Office International des Migrations, European Union, Agence Emploi Jeune) to set up programs where students with vulnerable profiles receive short-term training with many practical courses to help them integrate into the workforce.



Séraphin Koua is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for agriculture. His vision is that entrepreneurship is one of the surest ways for African countries to solve the problem of poverty and unemployment. His aim is to train young Ivorians in self-employment and contribute to the country's socio-economic development.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with 2IAE to:

⇒ Improve the quality of teaching by diversifying experimental plots and equipping practical rooms for biochemistry, electronics and agri-food courses, and acquiring books for its libraries for the Azaguié, Yopougon, Yamoussoukro and Mbatto campuses.

⇒ Enhance the digital skills of students at Mbatto and Azaguié by equipping multimedia rooms for e-learning and improving the internet connection.

⇒ Improve student employability by training career center agents in best practices for professional integration.

⇒ Improve campus safety by helping the school implement a new safety process (evacuation drill) across all campuses.



⇒ Strengthen young people's employability

⇒ Improve the quality of training provision through the acquisition of new equipment

In portfolio since: 2023

Groupe Bowl

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Jean-Paul Dodo
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:

Founded in 1996, Groupe Bowl is a Grande Ecole and a technical and vocational training school offering higher education, vocational training, and training courses in the tertiary and industrial sectors.  The Bowl Group has eight campuses across Côte d'Ivoire: Abidjan (Cocody, Marcory, 2 in Yopougon), Bouaké, Dabou, Daloa and San Pedro.
Vocational training at the Group's Bowl attracts a large number of students because of the type of programs offered (cashier, care assistant, medical delegate) and the school's good integration rate (100% of students get an internship after their training and 61% of trainees get a job - 2021 data) thanks to the many partnerships they have with recruiters (+250 partnerships). From the start, the Bowl Group has understood that practical training leading to qualifications represents a fundamental factor of competitive distinction and professional recognition for young people and companies alike. That's why our training programs place practical experience at the core of learning. The majority of Groupe Bowl students are women (75% of women enrolled for the 2022-2023 academic year).



A graduate in export sales engineering, Jean Paul Dodo is also C.I.M. certified (Chartered Institute of Marketing in London). In 1996, in association with university friends, he set up a small business offering home tuition to children in the French collège and lycée system. However, to cope with the drop in business due to the socio-political crisis in Côte d'Ivoire in 2002, they decided to diversify their activities by introducing vocational training. In 2002, Group Bowl was accredited by the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training to provide vocational training. At the same time, he has been a trainer in marketing and stock management, a software product manager and president of the Coordination des entreprises privées de formation professionnelle de Côte d'Ivoire (CCPFP-CI).



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with Group Bowl to:

⇒ Improve the quality of education with the acquisition of teaching materials and the installation of a multimedia room for digital practice.

Reinforce well-being and safety on campus by building a canteen and an infirmary on the Daloa campus



⇒ Strengthen the employability of young people

⇒ Improve the quality of training provision through the acquisition of new equipment

In portfolio since: 2023

2nd Image International Skills College

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Nikki Phillipa Kuenyefu
Country: Ghana
A propos:

2nd Image International Skills College (2nd Image) was founded in 2000. 2nd Image offers short vocational training courses, higher national diplomas and certification programs in the fields of beauty, hairdressing and fashion design. 2nd Image is authorized to administer the International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC) exams, a certification which offers students the possibility of finding employment abroad. The school has 3 campuses across Ghana, in Accra, Kumasi and Denu.



Nikki Phillipa Kuenyefounder, a biochemist by profession, moved to Ghana from the UK, where she owned a hairdressing salon, in 1984. After identifying an opportunity in the beauty and wellness sector, she founded 2nd Image, a beauty and wellness company, in 1986. To meet the growing demand from professionals, she developed an apprenticeship system based on practical training, which was formalized with the creation of 2nd Image.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with 2nd Image to:

⇒ Improve the quality of education by acquiring 30 computers and setting up an electronic library.

Boost the employability of young graduates, with the help of an expert to support the development of the alumni network and the setting up of a career service.

 Support 50 female students with scholarships and business start-up kits after graduation.



Boost the employability of young people

⇒ Improve the quality of training provision through the acquisition of new equipment.

⇒ Enable 50 young women from disadvantaged backgrounds to access appropriate training through a scholarship scheme

In portfolio since: 2023

Centre International de Formation Pratique (CIFOP)

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Ibrahima GUEYE
Country: Senegal
A propos:

The Centre International de Formation Pratique (CIFOP) is the largest community development project of a lay Scout association called "Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs du Sénégal" (EEDS). Launched in 1988 in partnership with the Association des Guides et Scouts du Luxembourg, CIFOP is located in Mboro (Niayes region, about 100 km north of Dakar).
A community development project of a lay scout association called "Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs du Sénégal" (EEDS). Founded in 1988 in partnership with the Association des Guides et Scouts du Luxembourg, CIFOP is located in Mboro (Niayes region, about 100 km north of Dakar).

The ambition of CIFOP is to train qualified technicians and workers, fully operational at the end of the training. This is why CIFOP provides practical training in connection with the most sought after skills on the local job market.
CIFOP currently has ten training sections: agroecology, construction, locksmithing, car mechanics, woodworking, ceramic pottery, hairdressing, sewing and pattern making, multimedia and sanitary plumbing. 
The majority of the students enrolled come from low-income families so the CIFOP places great emphasis on social inclusion to facilitate the educational path of young people.



The center is run by Ibrahima GUEYE, a lawyer by profession.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with the CIFOP to:

 Improve the quality of education through the digitalization of the educational offer and the acquisition of suitable computer equipment,

 To provide students with an e-learning platform

 Promote entrepreneurship with the launch of a fund to finance graduate projects ;

 Renovate the accommodation and sanitary structures



⇒ Improved educational quality and relevance

⇒ Increased youth employability

In portfolio since: 2022

JACCD Design Institute Africa

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Joyce Ababio
Country: Ghana
A propos:

The JACCD Design Institute Africa was established in 1993 as Vogue Style. 
JACCD DIA's mission is to prepare and train emerging talent for design excellence by stimulating disruptive innovations, developing interdisciplinary and collaborative projects, and driving the creative economy. The institution's pillars are youth development, support for the needy, business excellence, and entrepreneurship.

JACCD provides training in fashion design, graphic design, animation, film/television, interactive design/game development, visual effects, fine art, textile design, and photography.



Joyce Ababio graduated from Texas Women's University with a degree in fashion and design, after which she worked in the fashion industry in the United States until her return to Ghana in 1993.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with the JACCD Design Institute Africa to:

Implement a scholarship assistance program to support 28 vulnerable students

Implement a student safeguard policy



⇒ Reinforcing social inclusion

In portfolio since: 2022

Les Marmitons

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Sidy Dieme
Country: Senegal
A propos:

Les Marmitons is a technical institute for training in the gastronomy, hotel and tourism professions located in Dakar, Senegal. The institute, created in 2006, offers training in BEP, CAP, DEP, DQP and DTS1.  It has 2 campuses, a main building located in Castors and an annex located in Dieupeul.

This training institution is part of the strategy initiated by the Senegalese government since the reform of 2000, which aims to strengthen support for public and private technical and vocational training. Les Marmitons has one main objective: to reinforce employability and social inclusion.

Convinced that the employability of young people goes through a practical learning, the institution has opened a restaurant-bar and has equipped kitchens on each campus, in order to offer training combining theory (30%) and practice (70%). The institution has also concluded more than 30 partnerships with renowned hotels and restaurants in the capital (King Fahd Palace, Terrou Bi Hotel, Fleur de Lys Hotel, etc.) and in the regions.



With his passion for cooking and his diploma from the National Hotel and Tourist School (ENFHT), Sidy DIEME, has worked as a cook in many hotels (Cap Casa, Cabrousse, Novotel, Terrou-bi...) and for eminent personalities. Strong of his experience and eager to transmit his knowledge, he founded in 2006, the Training School Les Marmitons which will become the Institute Les Marmitons in 2021.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with the Institut Les Marmitons to:

Upgrade the technical equipment in the practical room

Strengthen the scholarship program

To install a pastry workshop

To provide a computer room and improve connectivity

To conduct a study on the application of an e-learning system

To enhance campus security and train students in emergency situations by the fire department.

To implement a student safeguard policy.



⇒ Strengthen the students' employability and social inclusion

⇒ Improve the training quality through the acquisition of new equipment


In portfolio since: 2023

Institut Ivoirien de Technologie (IIT)

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Caliste Claude M’BAHIA
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:

The Institut Ivoirien de Technologie (IIT) is a higher education institution created in 2019 and providing training in the fields of engineering and management.

The general philosophy that guides the education provided at IIT is that of "Mens et Manus", which means Mind and Hands. The founder, Caliste Claude M'Bahia, believes that the acquisition of knowledge is as important as its practical application in the field. Therefore, IIT combines practice with theory through group work and interactive learning with professionals.



Caliste Claude M'BAHIA is a computer engineer, entrepreneur and company director with a passion for technology. He graduated from the University of Washington and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

He began his entrepreneurial career with the creation of Smart Technologies, an IT services and consulting company where he served as CEO for four years. He then decided to found the Institut Ivoirien de Technologie (IIT) in order to contribute to the emergence of a more prosperous African society, through the learning of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P is committed to working with the Institut Ivoirien de Technologie to:

Improve the quality of education with the acquisition of electronic telecommunications and network equipment 

Support the implementation of a scholarship program for girls co-funded by the program and already identified ecosystem actors, 

Strengthen campus safety and security through the implementation of an infirmary and a new security process



 Strengthen the employability of young people

 Improve the quality of training provision through the acquisition of new equipment

Enable twenty young women from disadvantaged backgrounds to access appropriate training through a scholarship system


In portfolio since: 2022

20/20 Edtech

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Abderrahmane SOW et Ahmadou BA
Country: Senegal
A propos:


20/20 Edtech is a Senegalese start-up born from the vision of contributing to the improvement of the Senegalese education system through technology: thanks to its 20/20 application, the company offers educational content through short videos explaining courses, tests and an evaluation for each user.


20/20 Edtech was founded in 2020 by 2 Senegalese entrepreneurs from 30 years old, Abderrahmane SOW and Ahmadou BA.

Partnership with I&P

20/20 Edtech is supported by I&P through I&P Acceleration in Sahel program dedicated to education. 

This partnership aims to : 

  • develop training contents
  • contribute to the developement of the operational team
  • contribute to the creation of brand image through marketing reinforcement, the business developpement and monitoring UX



In portfolio since: 2022

ESSECT Poincaré

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:

The Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques Commerciales et de Technologies (ESSECT)-Poincaré was founded in 1966 and is a private higher education institution offering training in the industrial and tertiary fields. It has a total of seventeen programs in various fields such as management, hotel management, computer systems, tropical agriculture, etc.

ESSECT Poincaré is committed to giving young people access to education, regardless of their social and financial conditions, through a scholarship system. 

In addition, the school wishes to boost the employability of young people. To this end, it has created the Cabinet de Formation, de Suivi et d'Insertion (CAFSI), a structure that assists students in finding internships and jobs through a partnership with 12 companies. In addition, the school encourages hands-on entrepreneurial activities with spaces dedicated to experimentation, including a web radio. Managed by communication students, GBÊKÊ FM focuses on education, culture, and health and provided distance learning during the COVID-19 crisis.



Alfred HAWMMOND, an entrepreneur with a passion for education, started a bookstore in the 1960s in addition to his teaching activities. In 1966, he founded the Commercial Institute (former name of ESSECT), which included a middle and high school before integrating programs dedicated to higher technical training, in the eighties. Founder member of the National Federation of Private Lay Institutions of Côte d'Ivoire (FENEPLACI) and the Union Patronale de l'Enseignement Supérieur Privé (UPESUP), he was named Chevalier of the Ordre National du Mérite by the Ivoirian government, in recognition of his commitment to the higher education sector.

Dr. Konan Marcellin KOUAKOU is the Director General of the Bouaké campus of the school since 2009. A graduate of the University Alassane Ouattara, he is also a lecturer, researcher, consultant and writer. Dr. Kouakou is at the origin of the school's radio (Radio GBÊKÊ FM) and the Orientation and Training Center.



Through its I&P Education to Employment program, I&P has committed to ESSECT Poincaré to: 

Extend its hands-on programs, in particular through an experimental farm;

Reinforce its digitalization strategy by modernizing its equipment and extending the coverage area of its educational radio channel;

Set up of a financial support system (zero interest loan)

Promote entrepreneurship by financing graduates agricultural projects  with a revolving fund

Build female student dormitory

Train the career center team



 ⇒ Improving the quality and relevance of education

⇒ Strengthen the local employability of young people

⇒ Enable young people, women, and vulnerable populations to access training that meets the needs of the Ivorian job market.


Since February 2021, I&P has partnered with Mastercard Foundation through its I&P Education to Employment initiative, a finance program aimed at improving access to relevant and quality education on the African continent. The partnership between I&P Education to Employment and Mastercard Foundation specifically aims to support 30 education entrepreneurs in 3 target countries (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Senegal) over 3 years. The partner companies receive funding and technical assistance to support them in their digital transformation, resilience, and growth strategy as well as in the implementation of social inclusion and employability measurement mechanisms.

Read more about:

I&P Education to Employment

ESSECT Poincaré

In portfolio since: 2022


Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Akoun GOSSAN
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:

Founded in 2001, COFE CESA is a higher education institution providing continuing training in various fields (communication, finance, networks and telecoms, etc.) and initial training to professionals.

Willing to provide a quality education oriented towards professional integration for vulnerable youth, the group's 3 campuses are located in Koumassi, Yopougon and Plateau Attécoubé, all economically fragile areas of Abidjan.

With 99% of students benefiting from social inclusion measures such as government scholarships or internal scholarships ( tuition discounts granted by the school), the school intends to revolutionize its environment.



A dedicated individual, Akoun Gossan has over 50 years of experience in the higher education sector. He held various positions in the University of Abidjan and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure libriaries between 1968 and 1976. Thereafter, he was appointed head of documentation and instructor at the Centre Ivoirien de Gestion des Entreprises from 1980 to 1991. He was appointed Secretary General of the Union Patronale des Fondateurs de l'Enseignement Supérieur Privé de Côte d'Ivoire in 2001. Then, in 2019, as a reward for his commitment, he was named Officer of the Order of Merit of National Education by the Ivorian government. In 2001, he founded the COFE CESA group, which he headed until 2014 before entrusting the management to his son, Jean-Michel Gossan.

A graduate of the Pigier group, Jean-Michel Gossan worked for 5 years in France, before returning to Côte d'Ivoire in 2012. He joined the administrative team of COFE CESA in 2015 as a relationship manager, and was appointed General Manager of the group in 2015.



Through its I&P Education and Employment program, I&P has committed to Université des Lagunes to:

Reinforce their digital readiness by acquiring modern equipment and a stable internet access;

Strengthen the educational offer with the creation of a language center

Train career center agents in job integration practices related to the needs of the local job market

Promote access to education for girls from rural areas by increasing the capacity of dormitories



Strengthen the local employability of young people

Enable young people, women, and vulnerable populations to access training that meets the needs of the Ivorian job market.



Since February 2021, I&P has partnered with Mastercard Foundation through its I&P Education to Employment initiative, a finance program aimed at improving access to relevant and quality education on the African continent. The partnership between I&P Education to Employment and Mastercard Foundation specifically aims to support 30 education entrepreneurs in 3 target countries (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Senegal) over 3 years. The partner companies receive funding and technical assistance to support them in their digital transformation, resilience, and growth strategy as well as in the implementation of social inclusion and employability measurement mechanisms.

Read more about

I&P Education to Employment


In portfolio since: 2022
