Ghana: two EdTech companies join I&P Education to Employment program


The I&P Education to Employment program, a partnership between Investisseurs & Partenaires and the Mastercard Foundation, aims to strengthen the resilience of 30 educational entrepreneurs across Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Senegal. In Ghana, two technology companies, Codetrain and OpenLabs, have been onboarded to expand access to quality digital training for young Ghanaian women and men.


Focus on Eugenia Adofo, a new team member in our US office


At the beginning of 2022, I&P welcomed Eugenia Adofo in the team. Based in the Washington DC office, she coordinates relationships with I&P’s stakeholders and partners in the North American region.

We asked her a few questions to explore in more detail her activities across the Atlantic and the role of this office.



I&P selected as an Emeritus Manager in the ImpactAssets 50 ranking

Once again selected for the ImpactAssets 50 ranking, I&P is pleased to join this year's "Emeritus Manager" category, which includes impact funds that have achieved IA 50 recognition for at least 5 years and have consistently demonstrated their commitment to generating positive impact. 

I&P is positioning itself alongside other "Emeritus Managers" in 2022, such as ACCION International, Bamboo Capital Partners, Calvert Impact Capital, Capria Ventures, LeapFrog Investments and Root Capital. 



I&P explores new opportunities with private sector actors in Guinea

On March 3, 2022 in Conakry, I&P co-organized with Molam Capital and the European Union delegation, an information meeting with the main actors of the private sector.  I&P talked about the implementation of I&P Acceleration in Sahel in Guinea and its project to create the first Guinean investment fund.

