I&P selected for the ImpactAssets 50 2021 (IA 50)


Investisseurs  & Partenaires (I&P) has been selected for the third time for the ImpactAssets 50 2021, a free online database for impact investors, family offices, financial advisors and institutional investors that features a diversified listing of private capital fund managers delivering social and environmental impact as well as financial returns. 



Our best wishes for 2021


The team of Investisseurs & Partenaires wishes you all the best for 2021... we hope it will be a more favorable year, both privately and professionally, after the difficult year of 2020. A review of the key moments of 2020 and our projects for 2021, with Jean-Michel Severino, CEO of Investisseurs & Partenaires.

See also: our first newsletter of 2021!





I&P's Webinar | "Entrepreneurs in Africa: surviving the Covid-19 crisis"


On Tuesday November 24th, Investisseurs & Partenaires hosted a webconference on the theme "Entrepreneurs in Africa: surviving the Covid-19 crisis"

This event was the opportunity to hear the views of African entrepreneurs and key players in the ecosystem: how has the Covid-19 crisis impacted African small and medium enterprises? What are the mid and long term strategies to be implemented ? What initiatives to support these companies ?




I&P is awarded for the second time at the ESG Best Practices Honours by SWEN


I&P was awarded at the seventh edition of the "ESG Best Practices Honours", organized by SWEN Capital Partners on November 26, 2020, along with four other awardees.

This is the second prize attributed by Swen Capital to I&P, which this year receives the Special Jury Prize, "for a longstanding impact approach that stands among the best market standards and support for entrepreneurship in Africa"


I&P publishes its first global impact report


I&P is pleased to present its first annual impact report. Historically, we have measured our impact and achievements in individual reports at the level of our various investment vehicles (and we will continue to do so!). This report is our first attempt to capture an aggregate picture of the collective results of our mission across the entire organization and team.


