Afrique Créative Edition #2 is on !


126 applications were received during the call for applications which lasted from April 19th to May 5th. The 82 eligible applications were reviewed and evaluated by the national partner incubator, an institutional representative (AFD, French Embassy or Institut français), and a partner from the ICC or entrepreneurial ecosystem per country.


Interview with Angéline Yougbaré Traoré, founder of Maison Fenel in Burkina Faso

Last June, I&P went to meet Angéline Yougbaré Traoré, a young entrepreneur who founded Maison Fenel, a company specialized in the production and marketing of fashion accessories made from local woven fabrics (Faso Dan Fani) and the first company run by a woman who benefited from I&P Acceleration in Sahel in Burkina Faso.







I&P Acceleration in Sahel: a first cohort of entrepreneurship support structures selected

Through I&P Acceleration in Sahel, financed by the European Union, I&P launched on Friday June 11 its first training program for entrepreneurship support structures (incubators, acceleration centers, start-up studios...) in the Sahel sub-region. The first cohort, which has just been selected, will benefit from structuring training to better support SMEs and start-ups.






2nd Quaterly Newsletter, with an editorial by Stéphanie Cohn Rupp


I&P's newsletter for April/May 2021 is online!

In this newsletter : an editorial signed Stéphanie Cohn Rupp, reflecting on Impact Assets 50 and education issues in Sub-Saharan Africa; a focus on the 4th edition of the Social & Inclusive Business Camp and an interview of Ranto Andriambololona, Founder of HaiRun Technology and SmartPredict in Madagascar.


I&P finances two tech companies in Côte d'Ivoire through its I&P Acceleration Technologies program



Keiwa and Legafrik, two Ivorian start-ups operating in the tech sector, have recently joined the portfolio of I&P Acceleration Technologies, a program aiming to finance and support about fifteen digital start-ups in Sub-Saharan Africa.

These two companies will benefit from seed financing and strategic support, provided by I&P Acceleration Technologies and the team of Comoé Capital, I&P's partner in Côte d'Ivoire.



Afrique Créative 2021: the second edition of the programme is open!


After a pilot edition started in October 2019 for four countries, the acceleration programme funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and managed by a consortium composed of Africalia, I&P Conseil, Zhu Culture and the Bayimba Foundation is opening a second call for applications, with the same objective: to demonstrate the economic potential of the cultural and creative industries on the continent through capacity building of businesses in the sector.

