Presentation of the feasibility study for the creation of a first impact fund dedicated to education in Africa

Presented exclusively in July 2019 at the Sorbonne, the feasibility study on education in Africa was published by the Fondation pour Études et Recherches sur le Développement International (FERDI). The conduct of this study is a key step in the implementation of the first impact programme dedicated to education and vocational training in Africa, I&P Education to Employment.


I&P's July Newsletter & Edito from Nicholas Burnett (R4D)


I&P's July newsletter is online !

The Newsletter notably reviews the latest update of the Programme I&P Education to Employment, announced in January 2019: the publication of the Feasibility Study, conducted by FERDI to better understand African educational challenges and analyse the current ecosystem.


Launch of the Creative Africa program, carried out with I&P Conseil


I&P Conseil has won, along with several African partners (Zhu Culture, Bayimba) and the Africalia agency, the " Afrique Créative" call for proposals on cultural and creative industriesfrom the French Development Agency (AFD), which will enable it to support cultural and creative businesses in 4 African countries.


I&P supports the fund Ebalé, dedicated to the promotion of young African artists


The team of Investisseurs & Partenaires is pleased to announce its support to the Fund Ebalé, dedicated to contemporary African art and promoted by the Angalia Gallery. The launch of the fund represents, for its founders and partners, a strong commitment to the development of the African cultural sector.

Christian Martin, President of Ébalé, reflects on the issues at stake in this new project.


I&P conseil is engaged in accelerating cultural and digital enterprises in Africa


Launched in 2017 to improve the business environment and entrepreneurial ecosystem in Africa, I&P Conseil is committed to the deployment of new and ambitious projects in the digital and cultural industry sectors: through its involvement in Afrique Excelle, a pan-African program that supports French-speaking African technical and digital start-ups, and through the Afrique Créative program, which focuses on cultural and creative industries.

