I&P presents the book " Bâtisseurs d'Afrique " : 11 inspiring portraits of African entrepreneurs


I&P is pleased to announce the publication of the book Bâtisseurs d'Afrique, published by Editions Eyrolles (in French only for now). Its author, Nathalie Madeline, met with 11 entrepreneurs accompanied by I&P, and traces their different journeys. In this uncertain time due to the Covid-19 crisis, I&P is convinced that these testimonies are more relevant than ever.


I&P participates to the creation of ACEP-Group, a new microfinance group to empower African entrepreneurs


The impact investment fund I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs, the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO) and ACEP-International are joining forces to create ACEP Group, a leader in microfinancing in Africa and already present in 3 countries (Niger, Burkina Faso and Madagascar).

The creation of the group was made official on Thursday 27 February 2020 following a press meeting with Thierry Perreau of ACEP International, Jean-Michel Severino of I&P and Jessica Schicks of BIO.


I&P's January Newsletter: a look at 2020


I&P publishes the first newsletter of the year 2020, and would like to take this opportunity to wish all its readers the very best for the year to come!


I&P grows its activities in anglophone Africa and makes its first investment in Nigeria


The I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2 (IPAE 2) fund welcomes two new African companies to its portfolio, thus pursuing an active investment rhythm, less than two years after its launch.

Fully in line with the fund’s mandate, these new investments will strengthen I&P’s footprint in Anglophone Africa and allow a first entry into Nigeria, monitored from I&P’s office in Ghana.



I&P launches the program I&P Acceleration Technologies, with AFD's support


Investisseurs & Partenaires is launching I&P Acceleration Technologies, an acceleration program dedicated to promising African digital start-ups.

The program is one of six initiatives funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), which is mobilising €15 million under Digital Africa to develop and finance digital start-ups in Africa.



