Newsletter n°42: review of an eventful quarter


An eventful second quarter for I&P and its partner funds! In this edition of our newsletter, you will find : 

Focus on: the 9th Annual Entrepreneurs' Seminar, which brought together 60 African entrepreneurs;


A look back at I&P's 6th edition of the impact investing training course


From June 21 to 23, I&P organised the 6th edition of its training course entitled "Becoming a player of the impact investing sector".

Around fifteen participants from 8 different countries (Mali, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, South Africa, the United States, Tunisia, Morocco and France) gathered in Paris for this training course combining plenary sessions and practical workshops, with the support of several speakers from I&P and external experts.


Inua Capital shares its experience at an event organized at the EU


Kim Kamarebe, CEO of the Ugandan impact fund Inua Capital, intervened last week in Brussels at an event organized by EDFI AgriFI, the EU-funded Agriculture Financing Initiative.

The event aimed to share insights on the use of EU blending instruments to unlock, accelerate and leverage sustainable agriculture finance by focusing on the example of INUA.


Release of the Newsletter n°41, with an interview of the first two women fund managers of the IPDEV2 network


The Newsletter n°41 is available ! Contents:

Cross Interview with Maïmouna Baillet, Director of Sinergi, and Kim Kamarebe, Director of Inua Capital. 

Meeting with Samy Chalier and Ando Randriamalalaharison of HERi Madagascar

A look back at the latest news from I&P's portfolio

Successful fundraising for Miarakap and Comoe Capital and more.


I&P and agribusiness: supporting SMEs that feed Africa


The potential of agribusiness in Africa is immense, the continent has 50% of the total unused fertile land in the world; about 450 million hectares1. Yet faced with the challenges of population growth, urbanization, climate change, industrialization and competition, the sector is struggling to emerge and structure its development. 


Interview with Kim Kamarebe and Maïmouna Baillet, Directors of Inua Capital and Sinergi


In this interview, Kim and Maïmouna, respectively Managing Directors of Inua Capital and Sinergi, and the first two women fund managers in the IPDEV 2 network, talk about the challenges and opportunities they face in their roles and in their countries, the place of gender in private equity and their goals and visions for entrepreneurship.


Miarakap celebrates 5 years of activity in Madagascar and closes a second round of financing of 6M USD


2023 marks the 5th year of Miarakap's activity in Madagascar. Created in 2018 by Emmanuel Cotsoyannis with the support of fifteen investors including Société Générale Madagascar, Axian, BNI Madagascar, Adefi and Investisseurs et Partenaires (I&P), Miarakap has taken up the challenge of financing a new generation of ambitious and responsible entrepreneurs with high growth potential and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impact.


I&P selected as an Emeritus Manager in the ImpactAssets-50 2023 ranking


Selected for the ImpactAssets 50 ranking, I&P is pleased to join once again this year's "Emeritus Manager" category, which includes impact funds that have achieved IA 50 recognition for at least 5 years and have consistently demonstrated their commitment to generating positive impact. 

I&P is positioning itself alongside other "Emeritus Managers" in 2023, such as ACCION International, Bamboo Capital Partners, Calvert Impact Capital, Capria Ventures, LeapFrog Investments and Root Capital. 

