Social inclusion is an essential pillar of development, aimed at ensuring that all individuals, whatever their origin or situation, participate in and have equitable access to educational and professional opportunities.
I&P announces the launch of CATAL1.5°T, a financing program for companies in the climate sector
Investisseurs & Partenaires is pleased to announce the launch of CATAL1.5°T, a program financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to provide 10.4 million euros to support start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in West Africa.
I&P selected as an Emeritus Manager in the ImpactAssets-50 2024 ranking
We are delighted to announce that we have been selected for the ImpactAssets 50 2024 as an Impact Manager Emeritus for the second year running! The #IA50 Emeritus recognizes impact fund managers who have achieved IA 50 recognition for at least 5 years and who consistently demonstrate their commitment to generating positive impact.
CATALI.5°T initiative launches call for applications from West African incubators
As part of the CATALI.5°T initiative, I&P is launching a call for applications from entrepreneurship support structures in West Africa to participate in the deployment of CATALI.5°T, an initiative dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship in the climate sector.
Best wishes for 2023 & January Newsletter
We are pleased to share with you the first newsletter of this year 2024, including the latest news from I&P, its partner funds and portfolio companies:
I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2 welcomes 5 new portfolio companies and closes its investment phase
Launched in 2017 with €92 million of assets under management, the I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 2 (IPAE 2) fund closes its investment period with five new investments: AerialMetric in Madagascar, Lapaire Glasses (pan-African), Trianon in Gabon, Mali Shi in Mali and Win Industries in Senegal.
I&P Acceleration in Sahel: 100 companies in the Sahel now financed !
Funded by the European Union, I&P Acceleration in Sahel reaches a key milestone in its deployment with the financing of the program's 100th company.
I&P releases its Annual Impact Report
I&P is thrilled to announce the release of its Annual Impact Report for the year 2023.
The report offers a comprehensive overview of I&P's activities, achievements, and impact throughout the year, showcasing the growth and transformational changes spurred by the organization's commitment to entrepreneurship in Africa.
The anual impact report notably covers an overall look at I&P's activities and a detailed review of our impact, following our 6 impact pillars
Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund: 3 new investment funds join the portfolio
The Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund, of which I&P is Fund Advisor, is proud to announce the approval of 3 new investment funds: Chui Ventures, VestedWorld, and SME Impact Fund 2, which bring to 5 the number of funds supported since the launch in December 2022.
I&P Digital Energy: I&P announces the first two financings
Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) group, the European Union and Gaia Impact Fund are proud to announce the first companies financed through I&P Digital Energy : Solarly and Innovex.