I&P is a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
News | 20/05/2013I&P joined the PRI Initiative as a natural continuity of its commitment to impact investment and is happy to be formally part of the global movement contributing to a more sustainable global financial system.The I&P’s meaningful contribution to the PRI community will be through its...

Ernst & Young’s attractiveness survey: Africa 2013, Getting down to business
Intelligence & Analysis | 17/05/2013This 2013 report is organized in 4 chapters:Africa’s rise is realHowever, FDI numbers do not fully reflect the broader growth storyThe perception gap remains a barrier for new investorsFocus on enabling those already doing business in Africa Find here some interesting quotes :“By 2035, the...

The survey on European Venture Philanthropy has been released by EVPA, of which I&P is now a member.
Intelligence & Analysis | 16/04/2013EVPA is a membership association made up of organizations interested in or practicing venture philanthropy and social investment across Europe. Established in 2004, the association is a unique network of venture philanthropy organizations and others committed to practicing and promoting high-...

An article about Anne Nakawunde Mulindwa, CEO of Finance Trust in Uganda, I&P partner since 2005
Entrepreneurs | 19/03/2013 The story of Anne Nakawunde Mulindwa of Finance Trust (Uganda) provides a vivid example of the importance of developing women with high leadership potential. As a mid-level manager with hopes to one day lead an MFI, Anne participated in the Women in Leadership Program at Women’s World...

A new survey released on Impact Investment, that will represent 9 billion dollars in 2013
Intelligence & Analysis | 05/03/2013This survey released by J.P. Morgan and the GIIN (Global Impact Investing Network) and to which I&P contributed, reveals perspectives in progress for Impact Investment.The report indicates a growing market, with respondents planning to commit USD 9 billion to impact investing in 2013...

JM Severino participates in the 3rd UN panel meeting on MDGs in Liberia
News | 01/02/2013The High Level Panel for the post 2015 Development Agenda is gathering for three days in Liberia's capital, Monrovia under the chairmanship of President Sirleaf.  The Panel is part of the Secretary-General’s post-2015 initiative mandated by the 2010 MDG Summit. Member States have called...

A new article about La Laiterie du Berger, a success story supported by I&P in Senegal
Entrepreneurs | 15/01/2013The FACTS Report describes the work performed by the Laiterie du Berger, a dairy production unit in the Senegal River delta. It retraces the results of a field survey conducted among the cattle farmers who supply the dairy. Its general objective is to assess the impact of the Laiterie du Berger, as...

"Impact investment :an important bridge between philanthropy and capital markets" - an interesting article in the NY Times
Intelligence & Analysis | 14/11/2012 An interesting article  in the New York Times : "Philanthropists Weigh the Returns of Doing Good".Extracts : [...]There is certainly a lot of interest in impact investing — essentially investing money in an organization, either profit-making or nonprofit, with the expectation...

Africa’s Big Boom - an article by JM Severino and E. Debled
In The Press | 15/10/2012PARIS – Africa is undergoing a period of unprecedented economic growth. According to The Economist, six of the ten fastest-growing countries in 2011 were in Africa. Average external debt on the continent has fallen from 63% of GDP in 2000 to 22.2% this year, while average inflation now...

A recent report by the Rockfeller Foundation on Impact Investment - mouvement in which I&P has been active since 2002
Intelligence & Analysis | 10/10/2012A recent report by the Rockfeller Foundation on Impact Investment - mouvement in which I&P has been active since 2002http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/news/publications/accelerating-impact-achievements
